Name: guardian Dimension power /GP
Age : 278
Generation: seventh and last
Special identity : ?
Descendants: power spera shadow
Gender: genderless
Power: control something dark and special move is throw  dimenci where it can throw someone to another dimension and there is no way out
Mission : find the worthy using dimension-bot
Attitude: violent, playing aggressively, always speaking strange language, strong, polite, easily angered
Weaknesses: light or solar power

GP :<ꀘꏂꈤꍏ꒒ꍏ ꀘꂦꋪꍏꈤꁅ ꈤꍏꀘ ꌚꍏꈤꁅꍏ꓄ ꀷꀤꎭꏂꈤꌚꀤꂦꈤ-ꌃꂦ꓄!>

Gopal: WOI TOLONG AKU, DIA CAKAP APA NIH AKU TAKUT! *Masih berlari ketakutan kerana GP masih kejar Gopal tak henti henti*
(HEY HELP ME, WHAT IS HE SAYING I'M SCARED! *Still running scared because GP is still chasing Gopal  non-stop*)

Fang : kejap aku paham apa dia kata , Yaya cuba terapung mahluk tuh lepas tuh aku cuba tenangkan dia dah bawa bincang *beritahu ke yaya*
( for a moment I understood what he said, Yaya tried to float the creature then I tried to calm him down and brought it up to talk *tell yaya*)

Yaya : *angguk dan paham * Ying guna kelajuan kau untuk tangkap gopal bawa dia jauh dari sini atau bawa dia masuk ke kapal angkasa, mahluk tuh nampak benci sangat dengan Gopal
( *nod and understand* Ying use your speed to catch Gopal, take him away from here or take him into the spaceship, the creature seems to hate Gopal very much)

Ying : mudah je LARIAN LAJU! 
( it's easy , RUN FAST! )

Ying tangakp Gopal dan bawa ke kapal angkasa , tanpa buang masa Yaya gunakan APUGAN GRAVITY untuk angkat mahluk itu

( Ying grabs Gopal and takes him to the spaceship, without wasting time Yaya uses GRAVITY APPEARANCE to lift the creature)

GP :  <꒒ꏂᖘꍏꌚꀘꍏꈤ ꍏꀘꀎ,ꀘꍏꎭꀎ ꌚꏂꎭꀎꍏ ꓄ꍏꀘ ꒒ꍏꌩꍏꀘ ꀷꍏᖘꍏ꓄ ꀷꀤꎭꌚꏂꈤꌚꀤꂦꈤ-ꌃꂦ꓄

Fang : ꀘꍏꀎ ꌃꂦ꒒ꏂꁅ ꌃꏂꋪ꓄ꏂꈤꍏꈤꁅ ꓄ꍏꀘ?

GP: *shock/terkejut*

GP : ꀘꍏꀎ ᖘꍏꀍꍏꎭ ꍏᖘꍏ ꌚꍏꌩꍏ ꀘꍏ꓄ꍏ , ꓄ꍏᖘꀤ ꀤ꓄ꀎ ꎭꀎꌚ꓄ꍏꀍ꒒꒻! ꀍꍏꈤꌩꍏ ꀘꏂ꓄ꀎꋪꀎꈤꍏꈤ ꌚꍏꌩꍏ ꌚꍏꀍꍏ꒻ꍏ ꀷꍏᖘꍏ꓄ ꌃꏂꋪꏳꍏ꒻ꍏᖘ ꌚꏂᖘꏂꋪ꓄ꀤ ꀤꈤꀤ!

fang :ꀷꏂꈤꁅꍏꋪ ꌚꀤꈤꀤ ꀘꍏꎭ꒻ ꓄ꍏꀍꀎ ꀘꍏꀎ
ꎭꍏꋪꍏꀍ ꌚꏂꌃꍏꌃ ꀘꍏꎭꀤ ꎭꏂꈤꏳꏂꋪꀤꌃꂦꀍ ᖘ꒒ꍏꈤꏂ꓄
ꀤꈤꀤ , ꀘꍏꎭ꒻ ꀍꍏꈤꌩꍏ ꒻ꈤꁅꀤꈤ ꌚꏂ꒒ꍏꎭꍏ꓄ꀘꍏꈤ ꀘꍏꅐꍏꈤ ꀘꍏꎭꀤ, ꀷꀤꍏ ꌃꏂꋪꍏꀷꍏ ꀷꀤ ꀷ꒻ꎭꏂꈤꌚꀤ ꒒ꍏꀤꈤ ꀘꍏꎭꀤ ꓄ꍏꀘ ꍏꀷꍏ ꈤꀤꍏ꓄ ꍏᖘꍏ ꒒ꀎꈤ....ꀍꍏꈤꀍꍏ
ꌚꏂꀘꍏꀷꍏꋪ ꌚꏂ꒒ꍏꎭꍏ꓄ꀘꍏꈤ ꀘꍏꅐꍏꈤ ꀘꍏꎭꀤ

Yaya : fang kau cakap apa , aku tak paham lah.....
( Fang what  are you talking about, I don't understand.....)

Fang : adalah, kau tak perlu tahu pun

GP : ꌃꍏꀤꀘ꒒ꍏꀍ , ꌚꍏꌩꍏ ꌚꏂꀷꍏꋪ , ꀷꍏꋪꀤ ᖘꏂꈤꏂꋪꍏꁅꍏꈤ ꀘꍏꎭ꒻ ꌚꍏꌩꍏ ᖘꍏꀍꍏꎭ ꍏꎭꌃꀤ꒒ꍏꀍ ꀷꀤꎭꏂꈤꌚꀤꂦꈤ-ꌃꂦ꓄ ꀤ꓄ꀎ , ꌚꍏꌩꍏ ꍏꀘꍏꈤ ꌃꏂꋪ꒻ꀘꍏꈤ ꀤꁴꀤꈤ

Fang : b-betul ke nih!?
( I-is this true!? )

Yaya : apa dia cakap?
(what did he say?)

Fang : dia cakap “ baiklah saya sedar,dari penerangan kamu jadi saya paham, ambilah dimension-bot itu , saya berikan izin....”
( he said "well I'm aware, from your explanation I understand, take the dimension-bot, I give permission...")

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