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„Test subject 3,success." I feel dizzy. Where am I? I slowly try to open my heavy eyelids. But My vision got immediately blurred out because of water.The only thing I can make out were blurry figures,jumping around and hugging eachother,squealing with joy.

I can't breath.

I snap back to reality and realise that I'm in a pool of water. My body was getting weaker and weaker by the second. I start to even get dizzier than before. I have to get out of here. Why aren't they helping me? I'm dying!

I can't breath.

I start to begin coughing,but nothing but bubbles came out of my mouth. I need help. I curl my hand into a fist and begin to punch the glass,with hopes of them noticing me. Help me. I start to cough even harder and harder. „HELP!" I scream over and over again. Why aren't they helping me? Why are they still cheering and clapping? Are they ignoring me? My body starts to feel weaker and I drop my fist.

I can't breath.

As I'm slowly getting unconscious I notice my arm. It was smoke grey with what looked like pentagram symbols engraved all over it. What is this? My attention travels to my nails that were pitch black and probably over 6cm long.

I can't breath.

What the hell am I? I ask myself before the water consumes me and I see nothing but,black.


I snap and open my eyes „Ugh." I groan. What kind of nightmare was that? I ask myself. My head hurts. I slowly sit up and look at my arm. It was a dream. Thank god it was a dream. My arm is back to its cream like Color and my nails were a light pink.

I look up to see two staircases leading up to the second floor. I notice a wooden table in the middle of the staircases. A Light was shining on it from above. I look up to the ceiling in search for the source of the light,just to see a window with colourful patterns engraved in it.

Wait. Where am I?

I quickly stand up and look around in confusion. Im in a Foyer in a very obviously big house. I turn around and spot two wooden double doors. I quickly sprint to them and desperately try to turn over the knobs.

Unsuccessful. I try again with even harder desperation. Unsuccessful. I slowly turn around and let myself slide down on my back. I wildly scratch my long brown hair confused on what to do.

I look at the table that I saw before. Why is light shining on it from above though? I ask myself. Right,what's on the table? I wonder. I stand up and slowly make my way to the table. I have to be on my guard,I don't know what could happen.

I stare at a poker card lying backwards on the table and a letter lying next to it. Let's just hope that this isn't some kind of trap or something. I hesitate before pick it up. I turn it around and see,

The ace of spades.

Cucuk cucuk cucuk!!!!!

I jump at the sound of a birds switching sound. I quickly turn my head to the left to see a grandfather clock. It hit 12:00am.

Weird. I return my attention to the table again and pick up the letter.

'Welcome Ace of spades

You might be perhaps confused on why your here. Well let's not beat around the bush. You will die. Well yeah of course you'll die if you won't finish the trials. Trials? What are trials? You might ask yourself. Well in every trial you have to finish a certain ‚quest' to avoid your death. E.x: „a bloodthirsty Betrayer has been spotted in each group. Talk and find out who it is and eliminate them until time runs out." that's of course is only an example and not your actual trial,so don't get confused. Well now that we cleared that out your gonna ask yourself: „then what does that card mean?"

Each person gets their own card per class:  jack,queen,king and the ace! With their card also comes their task. There are actually two ways to get out of this alive. Complete the trials or complete your task. You must be asking yourself now: what's my task then? Do not be troubled,here it is:

There are 4 hidden beasts under our participants,they could be anyone. The king,the queen,the jack and so on! Find each one of them and slaughter every single one. Shall perhaps one of the beasts be killed by someone who isn't also an ace or die in the trials,it won't count and your task will immediately fail. Meaning leaving by completing your task is a no go anymore!

Well that's all! Have fun and good killing.

Love, Λύσσα.

My hands start to shake in panic. What the fuck did I just read? Suddenly the light switches off and I quickly look up to the window.

I was standing in complete darkness,until behind me lights started to turn on. I look up to spot the chandelier starting to light it's candles from itself.

The whole hall was now covered in warm lights. I felt the letter chisel away in the embrace of my hands. I snap and look at my now empty handed hands. The card on the table had also disappeared of to nowhere.

My breath started to get heavier by the second until I couldn't get any air anymore. I feel my legs getting weaker and weaker,failing to support me anymore as I fall on my knees.

Suddenly I hear a clock ringing again. Then a distorted voice starts to speak "welcome. To the game of life and death. LPJ. Here comes the first trial you'll need to overcome." the distorted voice coughed before continuing „find someone from your class in 30 minutes. E.X: an hearts needs to find another one. Well and your penalty will be,death."

I cover my gasp with the grasp of my hand. „They want to kill us off this early?" I whispered under my breath. I slowly stand up and let my arm fall. I have to hurry.

„Well good luck participants and good killing." I hear a clock ringing again,probably meaning that the announcement ended.

I take a Deep breath. „Where should I go first?" I mumble. The second floor.

I walk to one of the wooden staircases and start to make my way up. The second floor greeted me with an living room and a fire place right in the middle. No one in sight tho.

How many people were even participating in this so called killing game. If I understood correctly each participant got an poker carder class : Jack,Queen,king or lastly the ace. There are 4 classes in poker: clubs,diamonds,hearts and spades. So if we do quick math here there would be a total of,16 participants.

I sigh. I have no recollection of even coming here. My deep thoughts were cut short when I suddenly heard a deep woman's voice shout „stop,or it'll hurt."

I felt a blade just a few inches away from my neck,ready to end my life in seconds. „class?" she asked in a serious tone. I gulp before I answer „spades." oh my god,I'm already gonna die? For fucks sake.

„Card?" „ace." „ace of spades huh." she slightly chuckles „name?" name,my name. Wait.

What is my name?

I start to sweat in panic. How could I forget my own name. "Not gonna answer huh." She spits. "Well if that's the case,goodbye ace of spades."


Hello I hoped you enjoyed reading this chapter as much as I did writing it. I wanna thank you for giving this story a chance and would be appreciated if you'll give it a vote! And I know you heard this plenty of time before but,English isn't my first language so please have mercy on any mistakes made. And I wanna thank you again for reading this thank you so much!

Any advise really appreciated :).

Instagram: mayreadsbooks_

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⏰ Last updated: May 13 ⏰

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