Seeing Gu Zheng's shocked face, it was a rare opportunity for Mr. Gu to make fun of him, "Grandpa is an enlightened parent, The Gu family doesn't need to sacrifice your happiness to get married, so they won't beat mandarin ducks, since you have someone you like, bring it back to grandpa sometime." Old man

Gu thought that Gu Zheng was worried that he would disapprove of him, so how much explains some.

"I do have someone I like," said Mr. Gu, so he no longer concealed it, and admitted that he did have someone he liked, "Speaking of which, you have seen that person, Grandpa. "

Old man Gu began to think about the young man he had met recently, but after thinking about it for a while, he couldn't think of the right one, "You're still playing tricks with grandpa, who is that person?"

"It's Lin Zimo." Speaking of his lover, Gu Zheng's eyes were filled with tenderness, which was unique and only belonged to Jiang Mo.

"Lin Zimo? The person you like is Lin Zimo, Mr. Lin? Does he like you?" If Gu Zheng liked someone else, Mr. Gu would never ask this question, but Lin Zimo is different. That young man lives with them. The world is completely different.

Because of his friendship with Qiao Tianshi, Mr. Gu knew a little about the affairs of the mysterious art world, and it was precisely because of this that he was so shocked. His grandson's love partner is actually such an existence, especially his friend Qiao Tianshi told him that Lin Zimo's strength may not be inferior to his, how could such an existence like Gu Zheng?

"Grandpa doesn't mean anything else, it's just..."

"I know," Gu Zheng said without letting Mr. Gu continue, "I can feel that he likes me. If Grandpa wants to meet him, I can bring him along." He came to see you."

As for his feelings, Gu Zheng felt that there was nothing to hide. In his opinion, he just fell in love with a particularly outstanding person, and this is nothing shameful. Falling in love with that person, It is inevitable, it is his honor to be liked by that person.

Mr. Gu's 70th birthday was very grand. Due to various reasons, the Gu family has not held such a grand banquet for a long time. The Gu family is an upper-class family among the upper-class families, and those who can be invited to the Gu family's birthday banquet are either rich or noble .

Jiang Mo, as the person who helped Gu Zheng get rid of the fate of dying at the age of thirty, no matter whether the relationship between him and Gu Zheng was discovered by Mr. Gu, he could receive the invitation.

The invitation letter was sent by Gu Zheng himself. Gu Zheng thought about the conversation he had with Mr. Gu before, and felt that it was best to talk to Jiang Mo about this matter.

Gu Zheng now has less time to go back to his apartment after get off work, and basically stays at Jiang Mo's house. He opened the door of the villa with ease, and found Jiang Mo who was broadcasting live in the study.

Director Feng's movie has entered the promotional period. As Director Feng thought, the theme song composed by Jiang Mo attracted widespread attention once it was released. With the edited footage of the movie, this song brings people a sense of shock. Not so big.

Netizens were overwhelmed. At this time, "The King of Songs" was broadcast to the last episode. Unsurprisingly, after strong competitions, Jiang Mo won the final victory.

The studio did not answer any other announcements to Jiang Mo. Jiang Mo plans to prepare an album at this time. Fans will not be able to see the owner, so they can only watch idol's previous videos over and over again.

Director Feng chose a good time to release the promotional video of the movie. For fans who have been hungry for a long time, this promotional video came at the right time. They took the video away. For a while, forums and Weibo were everywhere. This MV.

At the same time, the song was released on major music platforms, and Jiang Mo's fans flocked to it like cats smelling fishy, ​​and the song climbed to the top of the hit list in minutes.

Since what happened during the summer vacation, Jiang Mo has almost entered a semi-retirement life. His fans are afraid that one day their idol will be disappointed in this circle and leave, so they post messages on his Weibo every day.

Fortunately, his studio came out to post a Weibo later, saying that Lin Zimo didn't show up very much because he was preparing a new song. Yes, in the first year after leaving Tianhuang, when everyone was guessing what Lin Zimo would do next, he was like Shenyin, except for "The King of Songs" and preparing the theme song for Director Feng's new play, he didn't do much at all .

Not to mention what programs he participated in, he didn't even shoot a commercial. In this state, it's no wonder his fans are worried that he will quit the circle.

The preparations for the new album are almost ready. After talking with Jiang Mo, the people in the studio decided to release it before the release of Director Feng's movie. Counting the time, it's only a few days away.

In order to promote the new album, Jiang Mo held a live broadcast at home. Fans finally saw their idols once, and they didn't want to end the live broadcast early. The problem.

For example, whether the new studio is good to my brother, whether my brother is happy these days, when my brother's new album will be released, they will definitely mobilize the whole family to buy it. Relatives and friends, listen to it for yourself, and think about it.

Jiang Mo's new album specially invited Mu An to participate. This incident was considered a surprise. It was not disclosed to the fans in advance. Surprised." The

fans were chattering about who the participants were, they were so mysterious, they guessed the popular Xiaosheng Xiaohua recently, and they never thought that Mu An, who was filming Director Feng's new film, would participate in it.

It was time for the live broadcast, and after the hard work of the fans to stay, it dragged on for a while, and just at this time, Gu Zheng came back.

Gu Zheng knew that Jiang Mo was going to broadcast live today, and he also knew when the live broadcast would end. When he entered the room, he looked at the time specially to confirm that the live broadcast time had passed before he entered the study with a small plate of cut fruits. under the lens.

After entering the house, Gu Zheng changed the suit he wore at work and wore a black sweater with a wide collar at home. He didn't look like a guest at the host's house at all, not to mention that he was holding a specially cut fruit for Jiang Mo and looked at Jiang Mo. Mo's eyes were full of tenderness that could not be concealed.

The three parties were all stunned. The barrage that had been brushed so that no one could be seen was blank for a few seconds. Soon, the audience frantically sent barrages to express their surprise, as if they had discovered something important. It was even worse than before.

Seeing the dense bullet screen, Gu Zheng realized that he had gotten into trouble, and looked at Jiang Mo with a helpless face, like a big dog that made a mistake seeking help from its owner.

Jiang Mo said blankly, "This is the end of today's live broadcast." Regardless of the crazy barrage, he calmly turned off the live broadcast, and then sent a message to the studio, asking them to pay attention to the movement on the Internet at all times.

Less than ten minutes after the live broadcast ended, Jiang Mo was on the trending search again. This time, because of his personal relationship, the trending search quickly climbed to the top without waiting for the studio to make a move.

Holding the plate, Gu Zheng shrugged his head, not daring to look at Jiang Mo. He had no idea that before he officially confessed his love to Jiang Mo, he would be on the trending searches with Jiang Mo in this way.

"I, I will take care of it," Gu Zheng said stumblingly, "Don't worry!"

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