MINECRAFT but Aphmau has a twin

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Hey there Im YN and this is my twin Aphmau. Today i decided that I would move into her minecraft server. Will everyone welcome me or will they hate me.

I looked around at my sisters server,so COOL. I looked around for any sign of her but nothing. I then saw a lilac coloured house. I immediately knew that was her house since it's her favourite colour. I pressed the doorbell and waited. I then heard a "COMING" and someone opened the door. "SIS" Aph yelled out and hugged me. I missed her so much. We went inside and she showed me around her house. She then lead me to the room I would be staying in for the time being. We heard the doorbell and she quickly ran downstairs while I started unpacking.
I looked around the room,it was not too big or too small. I walked downstairs to see who Aphmau was talking to. It sounded like a male voice.

Aphmau saw me come down. I looked at the guy,coal black eyes,tan skin,black hair and was super tall.

"Sis,come meet my boyfriend. Aaron this Yn,Yn this is Aaron"

I looked at him sceptical but smiled "Hello,nice to meet you!".

"Nice to meet you too"

We started talking and then Aaron offered to help build my house. All I needed to do is call him.

After Aaron left me and Aphmau went to get ready for bed. We said our goodnights and went to bed. I got under the covers and closed my eyes.

I can't wait for tommorow...

The Next Day

I woke up,got ready and headed downstairs to make something to eat since I knew Aph was still asleep. I made some Waffles,cause...yes. Then I made me and Aphmau some coffee/tea. Aphmau came downstairs yawning while saying "What's that amazing smell?". "Waffles and coffee/tea".

After we were ready,we went to Aphmau's friends houses. They were all really nice,even though that Ein guy kinda weirded me out. Me and Aphmau got home and decided to go get materials for my house.

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