Chapter 33: The siege according to the Bastard and King Henry, March 11, 1422

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English Army

I wake up to the sound of shouts.
They are attacking.
They are attacking. What a stupid move, Bastard. I have you now. Oh I have you cornered.
I'm up and putting on my armor before my men even reach me. Green runs to help me buckle on the chest plate, I already have on my gauntlets. My helmet lies ready by my bed. I look at the shadows quickly. Nothing. Of course not.
"May I come help, sire?" Jacob, my cook's son, scurries in, bowing quickly. He has a meat cleaver but nothing else, "Only—I'd like to see battle."
"Of course you may. If you wish—arm yourself better than that, go," I say, waving a hand dismissively. The boy grins and runs off to obey.
There's skirmishes going on down by the trenches.
"All right," James, also already in armor, appears from the shadows of the abby, "We have them now then."
"They launched an attack, two minutes ago," John jogs up.
"Seems you showed up only for the fun, brother," I say, drawing my sword, "Let's go kill the bastards."

French Army

They sound the alarm moments after the attack. Of course they do. We are done in.
They drop bridges and begin to swarm the market. Their 2,500 men easily dwarfs our now less than a thousand protectors. The Market will fall. Henry will make sure of it.
"FALL BACK!! BACK TO THE GARRISON! BURN THE MARKET!" I shout, torch in hand. And I run. I run through the cobble stone streets, only pausing to start new fires. I whistle every few paces, but the people are already fleeing. We dropped our own bridge. Hopefully they can make it past the line while Henry's men swarm the market.
And they do swarm us.
Flames lick the blackened sky. And I'm nearly choked by smoke. Every time I round a corner, I see another set of English soldiers. They vastly out number us now.
Sword in one hand, torch in the other, I wind my way back through the market. We'll burn it all to ash. I'll be damned if Henry gets anything now. No supplies. No safety. No refuge.
"FALL BACK!" I shout, to my own men. "COMBATANTS, TO THE GARRISON!"
"Come," Denis has my arm. I shake him off.
"It's not all burning—go, close the gates," I say, pushing him towards it. He shakes his head a little but complies, running with the others.
"GO GET OUT," I shout, dragging citizens from their hiding place behind a burning shack, and pushing them in the right direction. I pray Aimee got out. I didn't see her today. I didn't say goodbye. Her necklace bounces on my skin. My mother prayed for my soul. Aimee placed her curses. I have no faith in either. Not tonight.

English Army

"THEY'RE CLOSING THE GATES!! GET IN THERE!" I shout, over the clamor of battle. The entire market is burning. They set fire to it. Of course he did.
Our bridges are down, and I simply, walk into Meaux, behind the onslaught of my men. All of us have entered combat, not that there's much combat now. He's set fire to the city. But I'll be damned if he hides away in that garrison.

French Army

I run through the smoke. It's so thick it chokes me, black billowing smoke. By now the market is well ablaze. I have personally put my torch to every building. I throw it through the stained glass of the chapel and run.
The english soldiers block my every move. But this is my city. I know it's bones. I know every street, and every alley. I am dodging patrols everywhere I go. I'm not looking to fight them. I won't win and I know for a fact Henry will have told every one to look out for me. They're hunting me now. As it should be. But I must get back to the gates.

English Army

The air choking with smoke. And every building licks with flames that curl up into the black sky. Pure black, darkness warmed by the glow of the fires. It's beautiful. Spectacular in its destruction. I would want it no other way. The guns are blazing. We can get a cannon in here soon. They cannot hide from me forever.

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