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Inspired by true events

English King Henry the Fifth has reached a treaty with the king of France, Charlies VI, in May 1420. This Treaty Of Troyes named Henry heir to the French throne, and betrothed him to Charles's daughter, Catherine.

The Treaty of Troyes disinherited the Dauphin, Charles' eldest son. Much of France remains loyal to the Dauphin, and resists Henry's tyrannical rule.

Henry's troops have already burned and pillaged much of Western France, turning the French citizens out of their homes and cities, and colonizing them with English citizens.

The Dauphin's last major stronghold, and the only thing standing between Henry and the rest of France, is the city of Meaux.

Meaux is a small garrison, with only 1,000 men. Their job is to halt Henry's advance as long as possible, to allow the Dauphin to escape and slow the progression of Henry's army across France.

Defending Meaux is a suicide mission. Henry has never failed to break a castle, and brings an army of 20,000 English soldiers, four cannons, and siege machines.

The brave men of Meaux shouldn't last a week against Henry's bombardment.

They last 216 days.

This is their story.

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