Chapter 15: Just Keep Swallowing

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"What do you mean, they have her mom? I don't believe Mrs. Umari would let herself get captured. No matter who the organization. We would have known about it... They must be tracking her on standby. Maybe dad knows something... Where is she?"

Shiki had his phone out, ready to dial his father at the press of a button. 


Sayaka couldn't speak. All that came out of her throat were little whimpers. Boutarou hated seeing her like this. But he couldn't hold her any tighter for fear that he would hurt her. So instead, he leaned his head against hers.

Shiki knelt down. "Sayaka. The sooner you give me information, the sooner I can make sure she's safe... One letter at a time is fine. But you've gotta tell me something."

She slowly nodded. "S-She's a-a-at wo-ork."

"The hospital," Boutarou finished. "East Nagano hospital. I don't remember the exact address... But it's close to our high school."

"What's her home address? I'm sure dad knows it already, but just to be safe. We'll send people there too just to make sure no one is waiting to ambush her."

"I don't remember off the top of my head," Boutarou responded for her again. "But if you go down the street five blocks and take a left, you'll come to a neighborhood district with gated houses. Her nameplate is the only one that's not there."

"Got it." Shiki dialed his father on the phone and relayed the information. Once he pressed the hand up button, he stood to his feet. "He's sending people now... I'm going to stay here to relay information... And eat breakfast. I recommend you both do the same. We don't need you ending up at the hospital for health problems... That, and I'll need to hear more details from Sayaka about what's going on."

Boutarou took a deep breath in through his nose. Out through his mouth. He was used to this. Shoving down his distress to comfort her... And when he spoke, his voice was soft again. "It's going to be ok," he said gently. "They'll protect her."


"Is there anything else?"

She slowly turned into Boutarou. Her head sunk into his chest, fingers hooking into his shirt. "Y-you. B-but that didn't matter as much."

Either Sayaka was incredibly tsundere, or she just wanted to be held by someone. Probably the latter. But he couldn't deny that his heartrate was accelerating at the possibility of the former. 

"I'm already taken care of, so there's nothing to worry about there." He gently placed his other arm around her and closed his eyes. "Is that everyone?"


Boutarou thought, staring at the dark backs of his eyelids. If there was a jamming device, that meant they couldn't track her... But it also meant Katsumi couldn't get into contact with her after they whisked her away from the love hotel. He only hoped something hadn't already been done to her mom as a result... 

Hojicha ice cream wouldn't work twice.

"They're on their way. It's only a matter of time. If she's captured, we'll get her out of there. Mrs. Umari used to be an undercover agent for us as well. There's no way she'd let herself get captured easily."

Sayaka nodded. 

They sat in silence as Shiki finished his meal. Boutarou wasn't really in the frame of mind to eat. Not that he could. His arms were rather occupied by the tiny girl whose tears were soaking through the fabric of his hoodie. 

"It's frustrating..." The words finally squeaked out of her mouth.

"What is?"

"These stupid tears... Are annoying."

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