Chapter 9: The Desire to Understand

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It had been exactly seven days, two hours, and thirty-four minutes since Boutarou had seen Sayaka. And he hadn't been right since.

He asked Shiki for details on what bothered him about Sayuri, but Shiki said it was better if he heard it in person for himself. They made plans to meet up at Clown McBurger to talk about it. And for some reason, it had to be Saturday at 8:30. Exactly one whole week from the day everything happened. 

Every time he played the piano during that week, a rush of anger overtook him and he found himself banging the keys in frustration. When he went to eat food, he imagined her foundation caked skin and cold gaze, and traded his meal for a trip to the gym instead. At night when he laid down, exhausted and hungry, eyes stinging, he couldn't sleep. Thoughts of him calling her Saya-chan and his little shortie, of him whispering against the side of her head, of her arms around his neck as she said his name made him crush a few protein bars and hit the bench press until he was screaming along with his sore and tired muscles.

That sinking in the pit of his stomach had been right all along, and now it was too late to do anything about it. But why Sayaka? Why did a creep like that target her specifically? He couldn't help but think it was somehow his fault. He betrayed his promise to Mr. Umari and left her side. And the moment he did, something unimaginably terrible happened to his precious little girl. 

He managed to apologize to Sayuri, who smiled and told him it was alright. She said she went to dinner with her friend after the concert was over. She also said that they had been talking near the bathrooms and didn't realize he was gone until twenty minutes later when she went to go find him. And since the bassoon player was the one who led him to Sayaka, he knew that was a complete and utter lie.

After hitting a few keys out of tune and seeing his sunken eyes and dragging feet, Mrs. Yaketsuko suggested rather forcefully that he should take a break.

During that break, he went to Onsei four times. And then he got right back on the train and returned to Happari. She wouldn't see him... He knew that well enough. And unless there was an event open to the public, the campus police would escort him right back outside. 

Eventually, he convinced himself to send her a text. It was highly out of character for him, but at this point, he didn't care. 

Say the words and I'll pound that creep into dust. 

Backspace. He couldn't. The creep was just as strong as him. Better at piano. And Sayaka's current... boyfriend. It seemed like the other members of the music division were scared of him as well. 

Tell me if you need anything.

What was he, her mom? She wouldn't. She was stubborn. And there was a reason she was doing this... Just like the time she put on a face and pretended like she wasn't getting bullied so that he could have a little bit of freedom. 

I'm coming to get you so don't move.

She'd run away and he knew it. 

Boutarou put his head in his hands and pulled on his bangs. What was he supposed to say? 

We need to talk.

Now he just sounded desperate. They did talk. And she made it clear that he was to leave. To stay away from her. Besides, talking wouldn't solve anything... Not if she refused to speak. Not if she didn't want his help. 

Cursing under his breath, he pressed the call button. As the phone rang, his heart hammered through his chest. What was he even supposed to do if she picked up? What was he supposed to say?

"Your call has been forwarded to an automated voice messaging service..."

Boutarou almost threw his phone. But a notification sound stopped him mid throw. And he grimaced at the sender.

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