chapter 15: Never changes

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Hi guys sorry for the late update but I'll be introducing a new character. You would get to know the person when the time is right.

Fourth person's pov

I've never seen a family so messed up like this, but I really like the boy , he's strong for his sisters and the girl he likes. It's already 4:37 , arghhh I still have till 8pm before I'm done with my job. My thoughts was ruined by the ringing of my cellphone blasting out freaking me out by Ava Max, I'm a guy but I love that lady's song so much.
" Hey boss" I said

" Whatsup, are you keeping up with her?". The voice said

" Yes boss. She just entered the house with the boy and two tiny girls, One in a wheelchair though. "

" Great, now I need you to do something for me"

" Sure boss, what's it?"
" I need you to ........."

Laura's pov

Immediately I saw Dave to say I was scared would be an understatement, I was freaking out, what is he doing here, and he even looks so untidy. With blood shot eyes, and.....

" Hey guys" Dave said

" I know, you guys are shocked I'm here but I just thought it would be nice to start over again, I mean I know I've not been the best big brother, but please I want to make it up to you guys, I'm really sorry for not being there, and Kourtney even with your disabilities I acted like a jerk to you ahhh! I just feel like beating myself up and think of why I was like that. I mean you guys are the best little sisters anybody would want and I just lost that because if my disgusting act and I......"

Before he could finish, the two girls ran up to give him a hug , and he really looked shocked and then he started crying, I mean who would have thought the big'ol Dave could be this vulnerable, when I looked up at Seth I saw a hint of happiness and a tiny glint of tears in his eyes while he looked at his siblings reconcile, then he looked up at me and gestured his head for me to come to him and when I did, he just hugged me.

" Don't worry Dave we forgive you , so now will you pick us from school everyday?" Kylie said

" What I thought I would be picking you !?" Said Seth

" Oh don't worry about us, Dave will do the honour's of picking us up while you and Laura have some alone time with each other" Kourtney said while she winked at me

Seriously are these girls 8 years old or they are adults in a child's body.

" What we don't need an alone time together, right Laura?" Seth asked me

" Yeah I mean Seth is already very good with his studies,so he won't need me anymore," I said

" Oh don't be ridiculous, I've seen how you guys look at each other, you guys obviously like each other" Dave said

Immediately he said that I felt heat coming from my neck to my cheeks, I was blushing furiously

"Look Laura's blushing" Kourtney shouted

" Seth also" that was Kylie, then they started laughing. Really!?

"Well I have to go now, Seth and I have something to discuss, don't worry he'll be back soon Laura, don't miss him too much" Dave said as he pulled Seth with him

" Don't miss me too much princess" said Seth and he winked at me

What the hell is wrong with these people!?


It's been a while since Seth left with Dave and I'm beginning to get worried, what if ......

" Hey guys" Dave said walking in casually without Seth

" Hey Laura why don't I drop you home?"

" What about Seth?"

" Oh he just left the house"

"What! Why? Let me call him" as I was reaching for my phone Dave spoke

" No don't bother, he went on a date with Alissa " Dave said and I felt like my heart deeped into my stomach. I was hurt, why would he leave me with his bully of a brother, actually cut that part he already apologized.....wait not to me but still ughhhh but why would Seth leave me alone I thought we had plans!

" Hey Laura, Laura ," Dave

"Yeah " I said

" You zoned out there are you okay?"
Dave said sounding worried

" Yeah I am. Uhmm I really need to leave now" I said immediately grabbing my bags but then Kylie stopped me

" Laura please stay here a bit , please" she said doing that puppy face that I couldn't resist but I really had to go

"Look Kylie I'll come another time when and tell Seth that I've cancelled our classes since he has improved, okay. See you later, bye" I said kissing her forehead then I did the same with Kourtney

I immediately ran down the stairs but before I could reach the door , Dave stopped me by holding my hands and when I tried prying them out he held them even stronger then when I looked up at him his eyes were bloodshot red and he looked angry

" Don't you dare leave I need you" he said

" No leave me alone" I said almost shouting

" It's either you follow me willingly or I force you so which do you prefer" he said

" I choose none please just leave me alone please" I said begging desperately

" I guess you chose the second" and before I could say Jack Robinson he covered my mouth and started dragging me out side towards his car then he pushed me into the boot of his car and locked it then I heard Kourtney shouting from a distance then I shouted out to her to call Seth for help

Before I could do anytime again Dave came to the back and before I could think of kicking him he sprayed something on my face and within a minute I started feeling sleepy and the everything went black.


Hi guys
Wats up?
So if you guys have any questions about this book or any contribution pls private message me .

Thank you.

P.S I'm sure you are shocked about Dave 🤫, read more , vote u DER each chapter, comment, and share

Gracias ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🤎🖤🤍♥️

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