chapter11: Broken 💔

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Laura's POV

( Today was the day I followed Seth to pick his sister's up from their school but it seemed something to Kourtney because as soon as we reached the door of the class she wheeled herself out of the class super fast crying and I don't think I've ever seen anyone wheel a wheelchair that fast. But after telling Seth I could handle it , I ran down the hallway then I heard a cry coming from the stall and when I went inside the cries became louder so to get the one she was in I kept my hear at each door and after about some few seconds I got it but it was locked from the inside. I knocked severally for her to open but she didn't so I decided to sit there and wait for her to calm down after a while her cries had reduced so I started talking

Laura: hi Kourtney this is Laura remember we talked yesterday. And you are my friend so I want you to tell me why you are crying please. I know it isn't easy with all the discrimination and stuffs, with all the bullies but please stay strong.

Kourtney: how do you know

Laura: because I've been there. So would you like to tell me what happened in your class.

Kourtney: okay. Well I'm sure my brother must have told you I have an illness. It's called Andersen-Tawil, I've had it since I was a baby and due to the illness I've been constrained to the wheelchair and I'm always on medications. And when I have my episodes people always run away from me either because they think I'll infect them or I'll die on them and it's so frustrating. I have no friends and even my sister that I thought would be there for me was laughing at me with one of her friends. But there is this boy in my class that always tries to be my friend but I'm afraid that when he gets close he would also leave me and then laugh and make fun of me.i don't know what to do I'm tired.
( I was happy she trusted me enough to open up but it also broke my heart to hear her going through all these. So I decided to tell her my story to cheer her up. My story is beyond what people see physically active and that's what I'm going to tell you)

Laura: can I tell you a something?

Hi guys, this chapter was short I know but the next one would be interesting and long. Also give me your opinions on the characters. Do you like Kourtney and what do you think Laura's story is ?

Thanks for the votes and comments. Everytime I see the amount of reads I get I'm always on the edge I want to write more and make everyone happy and I'll do my best to ensure that happens. Love you guys with all my heart.

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