Should I stay or should I go

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You let out a scream as the snow underneath you melts into a red color. You can't see what happened to your leg but you can feel cold metal piercing into your skin. You scream and cry, the tears freezing to your face. The pain of standing up is unbearable so you fall on your bum. With heavy, wheezing breaths you push away snow and find that you're caught in a bear trap. Your jeans are now fully soaked and frozen with snow and water. You're continued cries of pain echo around the woods. Panic sets in as the edges of your vision starts to blur and blacken. You hear footsteps coming your way. You try to stay awake. You force yourself to keep making noise, looking away from the gorey sight of your wound. 

You're taking shallow, slow breaths as you begin to sway. You're telling yourself to stay awake, you can't fall unconscious here. But those footsteps keep growing louder and louder and your voice grows softer and softer until you fall flat on your back. You're entire body aches and throbs but you can't move any of it. Your eyes start to shut but before they do you hear a voice.

"We have to help them, quickly." Then your eyes shut and everything goes black. 

When you wake up you're no longer cold. In fact you're quite warm. You're laying on something soft with your right leg elevated. You let out a low, quiet groan while you open your eyes. Staring upwards you see you're in a room. To your right is a window. To your left is the rest of the room, a bedroom. A very fancy one you might add. The bed is large and has silk sheets on it. There's expensive looking wooden furnishings all around the room. And two doors. You look down at your self to find you're in a grey sweater and pajama bottoms. Your left sleeve is rolled up. You can see that an IV is stuck in your arm. 

You're laying on a comfortable bay window platform. You look over at one of the doors to find a short blonde woman looking back at you. You don't get a good look because she quickly shuts the door and you can hear her footsteps slowly fade. You feel loopy. It's hard to move and everything feels sort of numb. It reminds you of when you woke up from having your wisdom teeth removed. You're trying to sit up when the door opens again. This time an older man looking to be in his late 50's walks in. He's wearing a three piece suit without the jacket at the moment. His hair is slicked down and he overall looks very put together. 

"Don't get up please," he says. He's got some kind of accent. A European accent, but you can't place it, "I'm sure you're very confused but please don't worry. My name is Hannibal and I am a doctor. I found you out in the woods with a bear trap on your leg. Because of the snow I couldn't take you to a hospital so I brought you to my home." 

"I, I don't remember getting here," you say slowly. Hannibal takes a pillow and helps you to sit up. His hands and gentle and he checks your IV, "Why do I feel like this?" You know this shouldn't be your main questions but you're not entirely lucid at the moment. 

"You must have blacked out when I found you. I took you home and stitched you up. I've been keeping you on a steady dose of morphine for the past few days. Those days might have felt like dreams. I can assure you that you're safe here." Your eyes are big and doe like, your movements are slow and your body feels heavy. 

"Are you Hannibal the psychiatrist?" You ask. He nods. You've heard of a psychiatrist called Hannibal a few weeks back in the papers, "I need to leave. I need to go back home." You try to sit up further but Hannibal stops you. 

"No you need to rest here. You're lucky the bear trap didn't break your bone. But you need to let the stitches heal. Now I do live with some other people but they shouldn't bother you too much. You'll meet Carrie, a friend of mine very soon. But for now I need you to tell me about yourself and how you got here. Can you do that?" You blink a for a few moments before you nod. 

"I'm Y/n L/n, I've just moved to this state and I own a cabin a few hours from here. I got out of my car to go look for a dog that I saw before I got trapped," a bit of panic sets in when you remember your car, "My things! I need to get them! Everything I own is in my car I need to get them please!" You feel like you're shouting but it's more of a slightly raised voice. You again try to get up but Hannibal pushes you down. 

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