A peaceful night

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"thank you" jimin pours a glass of red wine for you, "you did great for your first day, I didn't expect it from you" He mocks bluntly. "you piece of-" I held it in, thinking he was my boss now......and also-
"You do know when i've gotten enough money, I'm getting back with yoongi right?" You sip on the glass, observing his expressions, with your piercing eyes.
"r-right- (nervous laughter) I mean you won't be burdening him then....so it should be fine-" He looked a bit uncomfortable in your eyes, as if it was making him sad.

It made your suspensions even more realistic, wanting to know his real motives behind taking me in......I felt like I was right.....he wants yoongi...



"Sorry for....suspecting you for anything bad (awkward)...I'm just a little overprotective" He releases a gentle smile, making me feel nice about him....but at the same time....You thought he was just jealous.

"So? You wouldn't care if I-.....married him?" the atmosphere felt heavy as I spoke those words,...and when I looked up, he was just staring at me.....in some sort of sadness.

"ha.....haha, why would I mind?" He quickly changed gaze, not wanting to be obvious that it would affect him.....but what I didn't know was that.....the sadness in his eyes was for me.

"well I'ma head to my room" You get up from your chair, leaving a deep void between jimin and you, "wait-" He got up as well. "sorry for all the bad things I said about you" He felt lonely, having the thought to be all alone again, it was sudden but new. "Hahah, you apologising? that is rare trust me" You giggle your way into your room, as jimin just stares at you from distance.

He sighs in frustration. Being able to eat with someone in his house, and sleep under the same roof besides yoongi.....was something he never thought would come his way....and he enjoyed it. Even though he didn't like you that much, and the start was a bit...rude, he thought he finally made another friend.



I sit on my bed, angry at his sad reaction, presuming he was sad I would take yoongi away from him. "I won't let you....have him. That's why I'm here (grin) just keep......looking....at me." You throw yourself back, spreading your arms across the cold duvet. Turning your side, to smell the nice scent.....it reminded you of yoongi, "I wonder what he's up to" You worryingly question what he may be up to, a bit upset and heartbroken that you had to keep away for a bit.




Suga was sitting down, slurping on his ramen noodles after a hard shift. He stops mid way of eating, tearing up a bit. "idiot" he mumbled.....missing you.





[after several hours]

You were fast asleep. Suddenly someone knocks at the door, shaking you a bit from shock. "Whoooooo?" You groan in annoyance, as you open the door to see jimin's cute face. "Are you- (sighs), why are you like this?" Your eyes were half shut. "You said...you could sleep with me...right...that you wanted to?" He seemed a bit shaky, as he grabs my forearm and takes me to his bedroom. "you want me to sleep with you? You wuss" Your head was drowsy, as you collapse on his bed desperately "Whatever(mumbling)" You make yourself comfortable. Jimin just looks at you, adjusting to the fact you were so chill about the whole situation "(chuckle) weirdo" He felt relieved you didn't reject him, as he sneaks under the blankets, looking at your sleeping back. He felt comfortable......slowly shutting his eyes, leaning his forehead against your back. "Thanks for being here" He could finally sleep in comfort.



You gasp awake, after realising a certain someone hugging you from behind as you sprint up. " o god, how?" having no idea how you got in his bed, but the small memory from last night slowly crawled up to you.

"You accepted my offer...heh" I snicker at his peaceful, resting face. Running my hands through his soft hair, "Good boy (sinister smile)" it was going according to plan, without you even trying hard.
"you're gonna cook for me?" You sit on the table, "you don't want me to?" he replies in a bratty way, with a smirk on his face. "(annoyed) I don't mind....but why, it's a bit scary" you give him the sus face. "(chuckle) I could sleep much better thanks to you" Jimin started to show a bit of a....special feeling. "Right-" You put down the glass of water you were drinking, just to take in the bliss. You wanted this. You want him to fall in love with you, and you had this hope because of the past memories in your head.....a bit foggy but still there. You knew it was too quick to assume motives behind his actions, so you wanted to take your time just to be sure....so you can make your move.
"I was just being considerate" you drink a bit more, pleased with his kindness towards you. "But how the hell did you know?" He places the food on the plate. "Umm......I-I could tell, (shifty eyes) I am the same too you know...so yeh" Lying to get your way as you wait for him to buy your nonsense. "is that so?" He looks at you, "you don't seem the type" smiling a little. "I guess we have something in common then" He places the food in front of you, as we both take a seat.

I couldn't help but feel this ache in my heart as I hold up my fork, .....because I was missing yoongi, and having food with him like always. The food would be cheap but it didn't let me starve, and it was warm....the warmth was in my heart.
"Can we invite him next time?" you mumble to jimin. "sorry? invite who?" He winces, "y-yoongi" You were craving to see his face, as your eyes shifted in suspicion. "alright" Jimin replies, as jealousy made its way in.

"We can all have dinner tomorrow, if he's not busy" He takes a bite aggressively , licking the food off his lips while staring at me with his irritated expression.
[On the day]
"yoongi" You blurt his name out nervously, seeing him approach you from afar, "you found a job....here?" he looked disappointed. "I told you...no?" You couldn't remember. "Well, let's have a good meal ok" jimin claps his hands together, absolutely drained by the awkward atmosphere. "Ye...she is working with me" He looks at yoongi, who was at the verge of storming off. "Why does she have to stay with you?" He asks.

"It was my decision- (smile)" You keep a straight face, not letting anything faze you. "Its actually part of my job, as I would need his help 24/7" You try to find lies, as quick as possible. "help?" He scoffs in disbelief, "I get it-" yoongi felt disheartened, he couldn't bare this. He couldn't bare you staying with another man....sharing the same space. It reminded him of us....and so he didn't trust it. To make things worst, it was his best friend.

"(ahem)....ummm the food has arrived" Jimin tries to make it as lively as possible, he was trying his best to keep the mood mellow. "hey...don't be upset (sad) do you realise how happy I am to see you" You hold yoongi's hand in a loving way, hold it near your chest as you look into his puffy eyes. "sorry-" Suga was trying his best to understand everything, not wanting to make you upset in any way....melting away by your charming actions.

Jimin looks at the both of you being lovey, dovey in front of him, making him feel annoyed. "hey! let's eat" He sits on the table, forcing a stable expression.....because he was feeling extreme level of jealousy.
......He slowly looked up, glaring at the both of you.

to be continued....
I'll try to make the story as detailed as possible cause I feel like i'll rush somehow, and Ill try my best to write it properly as possible so it's not confusing, forgive me for any mistakes. Also thanks for ur patience, I hope u enjoyed the chapter. Before i use to have a lot of time to write stories but now it's a bit different, so i apologise for the late chapters. I'm planning on releasing future books after finishing them. 💜💜 So just this time.

DUSTY DOLL S2| Suga ff 18+ [season 2]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu