Meeting The Sun

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Here's the next chapter enjoy guys.....
Some feels will be in this chapter.


I woke up, me laying next to Mister Northman in the suite's bed, him naked under the covers, and well me, I was fully clothed, and I slowly get up, me in some Stitch pajamas, and I gathered things for a shower, and headed into the shower, and took a quick one, washing my body well, and hair well, then I came out of the bathroom fully dressed, but still my bras were left at home, my my big breasts were free in my shirt.
My period also stopped too.

I combed my hair in order and brushed my teeth as well, and once done with that, I leave the room, feeling the walls for the elevator, and I found it, pressing the button, and it dinged, opening it's doors, and I walk in, feeling the buttons for the first floor, and found it, pushing it.
The elevator moved, making me grab ahold of the railing, and I perk my head up, hearing the cables of the elevator tug it downward, and soon the elevator jiggled slightly to a stop, and the elevator says.
"First floor."

I walk out of the elevator, and followed my nose to the cafeteria, and a clerk sat me down in a booth, asking me what I wanted.
I told them pancakes and hashbrowns and a glass of chocolate milk.
The clerk went to get my order, and I wait patiently for my order.
I heard my order after awhile being sat down, the smell of the pancakes wafted into my nose, including the smell of the hashbrowns too, it smelled so good, and I heard a ladel of warm syrup being set down, and a roll of silverware.

I nod to the clerk.
"Thank you."
I heard her walk off.

I run my hands along the rolled up clothed napkin, figuring out how to unroll it, and then held one fork in my hand as I set the rest of the silverware upon the cloth napkin.
I feel the table for the ladel of syrup and pour it over the pancakes and hashbrowns, then I set the ladel down.

I cut into my pancakes, taking a bite, the syrupy goodness caressing upon my tongue, and I chew slowly, me enjoying my meal, and I perk up, hearing footsteps I don't recognize approach me, and smell cologne I don't recognize either, and heard someone sit in the empty seat in front of me of the booth I'm in.
"Are you Alice?"
A male voice asked me and I nod.
"I'm Hugo.
I'm supposed to go with you to that church."

I swallow my chewed up bite down and say.
"Of course.
What about Sookie?"

"She's not going.
I was told that we need to leave before Sookie gets up."
Hugo says to me.

"Let me eat first."
I tell him.

"Eat quickly."
Hugo says, his voice sounded a bit nervous and anxious, which gave me red flags throughout my body like that fake driver did, and my instincts were telling me not to trust him too much.

I finished my meal in five minutes, me wiping my mouth, and I carefully stand up, and say.
"Guide me to your vehicle, since I'm half blind."

Hugo grabbed hold of my hand, and I felt him start guiding me through the hotel, and the outside the hotel where I heard sirens far away of emergency vehicles, and honking of horns.
Then I heard him open the passenger door to his vehicle, which I carefully sat inside, then he drove off.

"So how did you become half blind?"
He asked me.

"Teenagers bear sprayed my eyes."
I tell him.

"Jesus that must've hurt."
I heard his voice hint he's cringing at that.

"They are in prison now.
The pain was like my eyes were shredding apart a thousand times over."
I tell him honestly.

Silence soon was between us as I felt the vehicle pull to a stop after he turned right, and I saw a blob of a triangle building, and some figures approaching us.
I get out of the vehicle, smelling wood shavings in the air, which meant this church was building something, but what exactly, which was causing me to sneeze, and a female voice with a southern accent says.
"Hello there.
Welcome to The Fellowship Of The Sun."

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