Tommy as Virgil

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Welcome back to the one shot book of doom!. i hope you like this one shot!.

the first part is Virgil's pov of before he left!


Virgil was framed by a mysterious person that would come out of the shadows and tell lies whenever they can so back to Virgil. He got thrown into his room for something he didn't even do. he got tired of it and went and packed up everything he had and it took 3 hours to do but he did it all and the room was now back to normal like nobody was in the room in the first place. Virgil was going to leave but Patton comes in and closes the door and locks it and looked at him "I-I'm so sorry that they are making you stay here..." Patton looks at him. Virgil walks to him and hugs him "I-its okay I'm not really happy either but I'm leaving so they can do what ever they really want for this room.."

Patton frowns and kisses his cheek and slowly kisses him on the lips. Virgil was shocked and kisses him back and melting in it. Patton took the opportunity to deepen it and it was getting heated really quick. Virgil was blushing a lot and was moaning from him.

2 hours later from that mess of magic.

Patton got up and helps Virgil get in there clothes and i kissed there head and rubbed there back and belly knowing he can conserve one and wanting him to remember him if he ever leaves. Virgil smiles a bit and cleans a bit and rubs his belly and then got his bag and phone and stuff and kisses his cheek and disappears.

Patton frowns and leaves the room and the door disappears and i go to his own room and locks the door. he didn't leave till the videos or food.

Virgil left the host mind and disconnects himself from the host. He walks around and goes to the airport and buys a ticket and flies to the UK he was there for 2 weeks till he got a side job and he gets his hair bleached and dyed it a strawberry blonde.
He has started playing games on his computer while streaming little clips and it went to big clips as it went on he got followers and it was all on twitch before doing it on YouTube.
He was over 1k followers on twitch and he was happy about it but he didn't know that other streamers were watching him and they have sent clips to an owner of a smp.
Virgil was minding his own business on his stream and he was tired so he was really calm and it was off from his normal stream. "Sorry chat I'm really tired but that won't stop me from playing and streaming until midnight or later" the chat understands and supports him.
The streamers were taking note and in chat has told him to sleep but he was not looking at the chat and kept play for 3 more hours and ended the live after saying bye. The next day was going to change and it makes him freak out but it was a new start but he was sick in the morning so he was taking care of himself.(hangover cliff of this past hehe)

3 years later

Virgil/Tommy point of view now

He has been streaming and it was on the Survival multiplayer server causing chaos and blowing shit up with Tubbo and is being quiet since 3 years ago he did conserve a baby and gave birth to a baby girl named Payton to keep Patton's name in the mix. He was in his room doing lore being quiet and he was running in the game and he finishes his piece and he starts doing his own thing.

he has been to Vid con and twitch on for the 3 years that has happened with Payton but he had her hidden the whole time. He has been really busy dealing with a 3 year old little girl and he didn't mind it and he kept his routine and he would text Patton sometimes but he never said anything about Payton.

Tommy was streaming when the door opened and Payton came in but she knew that her mama was  streaming and she crawls off stream and sits next to his chair near his bed and looks up at him. She was waiting for him to notice her next to his chair and she knew where to go if he was streaming she touched his leg to let him know she was there, he looks down a bit and smiles and pats her head while on stream but nobody can see what he was doing.

One shots of the tommy innitजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें