Dadinnit part 2

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Welcome here's part 2 of dad innit I hope you like it.


Previously from the last part.

"Daddy who are you talking to?" She has said in her sleepy voice from waking up from her nap.


Present to the start of the part

Tommy looks at her "I'm talking to the Camera and the Viewers through the camera" She was confused a bit "but why?" Tommy smiles as bit and rubs her back "this is my job sweetie this is how i make money". 

Cora looks at the computer he eyes was still dropping from being sleepy after waking up and she waves at the camera and then turns to snuggle papa more comfortably and starts snuggling him close. 

Tommy smiles a bit and looked at the chat and he giggles a bit as it is broken from the surprise guest. "come one why.. bruhhhhhhh chat why did you have to break." tommy tried fixing it as Cora started to fall asleep again.

Tommy notices Cora falling asleep so her puts it on the bed so she can sleep as i talk quietly and continue the stream and smiles while playing it. he talked to chat till it hits 6 o'clock at night "Okay chat I'm gonna get going I have to make dinner and get this one to bed for tomorrow. if you want to see anything there might be a vlog on a different channel that is on my gaming channel i might stream to but more of vlogs so this is the end of the stream bye chat" he waves and ends the stream.

He leans back and sighs a tiny bit as tears start to fall, he didn't move till he hears his timer goes off and got up and picks Cora up and went downstairs. He walks past a bathroom to the living room and lays his daughter on the couch, He walks to the kitchen and prepares dinner for me and cora and smiles.

 He walks past a bathroom to the living room and lays his daughter on the couch, He walks to the kitchen and prepares dinner for me and cora and smiles

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

(that's the dinner)

he grabbed two plates and sets the table and grabs drinks and puts the food on the table. he smiles at his work and went to see his daughter to wake her up for dinner time. Cora was curled up in a blanket and still sleeping being peaceful.

Tommy walks in and sees her and smiles and walks to the couch and kneels down and rubs his daughters hair out of her face a bit and shakes her a little. "Sweetie dinners ready lets go eat some food" Tommy said as she groans from her sleep.

"Cora lets eat or the food will get cold." tommy kept trying

"o-okay..." Cora yawns and grabs him and holds onto him.

Tommy smiles and holds her as he stands up and walks to the table with her and puts her in her chair while I grab some of her food and put it on her plate as I did to mine and I sat down. Cora eat her food slowly as she was still sleepy from her nap that she had again but she was happy to be with her daddy as her father eat with her.

Tommy finishes the severing then got another one and kept eating after his 2nd one he was done and waits for his daughter to finish or wanting more. She giggles and finishes. "papa I'm done" Tommy smiles and got up and takes the dishes a bit and goes to the sink and puts them in the dishwasher and starts it.

Tommy finishes up and walks to Cora and picks her up and goes up to her room as he got there he walks in, lays her on the bed, rubs her stomach. he starts singing softly of a melody that his mom sang him to sleep. 

he got up after 30 minutes, he walks out of the room of her daughter as he slowly closes the door and starts thinking about doing a vlog and other stuff. He walks to his computer area and cleans it up and making it look nice. 

Tommy was almost finished when he hears a ding on his phone and grabs it and looks at it.

(tubbo - Tub, tommy - tom)

Tub: 'hey tom.'

Tommy has read the message.

Tub: 'TOMMY!!'

Tommy sighs irl and goes in the messages and answers

Tom: ' Hey tubbo what did you need?"

Tubbo replied fast after he got the notif and it says. "What did you do. How did you get a girlfriend and have a child!!" he was confused and stuff.

Tommy reads the message he got as he read it he started tearing up and replied back "Toby don't.. I'm not ready to tell you but I don't have a girlfriend."

Toby(tubbo.) sees the message and says "What.. then how did the little girl call you father on stream please tell me tommy" he wanted to know really badly.

"Tubbo.. she's mine... i have have a girlfriend and I'm gay so I'm not into woman..." he was really upset.

"Toms what do you mean she is yours. Did your parents give you a sister and she started calling you mother or father. tommy you shouldn't do that." Tubbo sent that 

Tommy was at breaking point and he started sobbing silently as he texted "Tubbo please j-just stop your making me cry really badly right now I'm not joking at all and you saying that its my fault the little girl calling me father or mother from my own parents. tubbo my parents died they haven't been alive for 3 years and you think they are alive and making it my fault thinking that little girl is my sister she's my daughter if you think your going to get away with this then don't talk to me. you know nothing about me at all maybe you know my personality of tommyinnit but not the real me. Goodbye Toby" After he sent that he unfriended tubbo and blocked him he left tubbos server and muted the sbi group chat. Tommy blocked tubbo on everything and he was sobbing on everything he sniffled a bit.

Tubbo reads the message and after that he tried to text him back it didn't go through he checked if he was friend and it showed that he didn't and he tried to friend but it didn't work he started to get upset and he messages philzas dms and explained all of it then he calmed down and went to bed.


Philza was on his computer and has watched Tommy's stream and was glad he was okay after that stream he started his own and it lasted 2 hours then looks at his messages and sees tubbo messaged me and he clicks and reads it and starts comforting tubbo till he went to sleep.

He goes to tommy's messages and texts him "Tommy why were you being rude to tubbo?"

Tommy replies with "tubbo was accusing me of making the little girl say daddy to be instead of brother when the little girl was my daughter and she talks about my parents and says its was my fault for that when my parents haven't been alive for 3 years they died in a plain crash he doesn't know anything about me he thinks I have a girlfriends but I didn't I'm gay and he was the one who was rude when he said it was my fault that it was my parents who should have taken care of her since she would be my sister but no she my Biological child. I'm done talk about this if I keep talking about this then i will keep crying again even more goodnight philza" he went offline. to go to sleep for the next morning.

Philza reads all that and he was shocked by all of this. "I'm sorry toms tell us when you are ready."


that is the end of part 2 of dadinnit if you like a part 3 i will do it 

( Words 1333 )

One shots of the tommy innitحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن