Tommyinnit(cancer with techno)

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Welcome Back to the one shots I'm back with another one hehe but this time it might be sad as you know the king has passed but I will not bring that down I'm going to have them in my stories or one shots! now lets begin.


this is the backstory its short.

Tommy has battled cancer at the age of 6 and for 3-4 years he has over came it he was happy to be alive and live but he also prayed that he wouldn't get it again he felt so free and alive after being cured from the cancer (the type he had was half and half of the lung and the heart.) that was till after his 15 birthday over the few days he didn't feel right and he started being a youtuber and streamer.

Tommy was streaming a normal chill-Minecraft stream when he started coughing really badly, he looks at his hand and noticed blood and he prayed that it wasn't what he think it was, he says 'goodbye' to the chat and raids someone and ends the stream. tommy got up from his chair and goes downstairs where his parents are in the living area.

"m-mom d-dad..." Tommy said as he looks at them.

his mom looked at tommy "yes sweetie is something the matter.?" his mom said.

"i-i coughed up blood and it happened before i ended the stream." he looked at them and tears up "I hope I don't have it again.."

his parents went to him and cleans his hands and helps him to the car and has a bag for him so if he coughs up blood he can aim it in there. his dad started the car and backed out of it and he went to the hospital fast since he is scared of his son getting it again.

'3 minutes later of being on the road they got to the hospital'

The innits were in a room and there son was on the bed hooked up to iv and being monitored for a bit till he gets the results of what is happening, he hears his phone ringing. he grabs it and looks at who the caller was.

the caller was Wilbur.

he answers the phone and he hasn't talked since earlier after the stream. "Hello..". Wilbur answers with "hey tommy where are you we had a planned call with the whole sbi". Tommy frowns and says "I'm b-busy at the momen-" he starts going into a coughing fit and blood drips from his mouth and his parents run to his bed.

"toms you need rest hang up the phone please." his mom was worried about his health. Wilbur hears this and asks "tommy are you okay?" he was starting to get worried a bit but he didn't get a answer as his phone was hung up from tommy hanging up on him.

they both stayed near him as the doctor came in and frowns "the cancer in his body came back this is the early stage so if we treat it now he will get better but the better treatment is in America if we get it going now he will feel a bit better." Tommy tears up at this and hides his face and he had his phone on his lap.

His parents hugged tommy carefully and his mom let go so she could go home and get things going. as she got in the car she breaks down crying because she didn't want her baby to go through all of this again. She drives to the house and parks in the parking spot.

Mrs. Innit gets out of the car and goes inside and starts cleaning and doing a bit of packing of the whole house. she started with the kitchen then Tommy's room and packed all his things in the box even his computer things neatly in the box not bunched around.

She gets some clothes and things and puts them in a bag and she goes to the car. Mrs. Innit was crying a bit but she wipes the tears away. Tubbo looks out the window as he was in a game with everyone and he was concerned and looks at the computer and is worried since tommy isn't on yet.

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