Tommy angst

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Welcome im happy to start this angsty one shot!!. 

trigger warnings!!!




hate comments

fake friends. 

I hope you enjoy!


Tommy was live on twitch like usual but this time it wasn't Minecraft its among us, he was doing part of his tasks and chatting to that stream when he sees a lot of people telling him to be quiet and he's being to loud so he just shuts up while finishing up the tasks. 

He turns his camera and his volume off and only letting people have calm music which people were confused but were okay with since they don't here the yelling and stuff. 

the Meeting was called because a body was found so they were talking about where the body was and stuff while tommy was zoning out more like thinking of what to do after the stream when he snaps out of it. 

Sykunno was talking "hey tommy where were you at?" 

Tommy un muted "I was in cameras since I finished all 5 of my tasks." After he said that he muted and the others weren't buying it at all.

 they voted tommy out and he just got off the game and ended stream when he heard Wilbur say. "Thank god at least we all don't need to hear that gremlin screaming every 5 minutes" the others laughed some didn't since they think that is rude. 

Tommy couldn't believe it at all he was so nice to them even though he was screaming and stuff. 

Tommy went to twitter and posted that he wont be streaming or making videos anymore for while. After he put that on twitter he closes it and turns off the computer and he walks to the bathroom, he rolls his sleeves up all the way.

He looks through the cabinets of the bathroom, finds the blade and grabs it, he puts it on his wrist of his skin and starts slicing slowly and kept doing it till he drawled blood, after 3 minutes he was bleeding and he didn't stop as it went deeper and deeper but he stopped after the last slice and he puts the blade down then he looks through the cabinet.

he finds a bottle of pills and he shaking a bit with the tears starting up and he takes the whole bottle of pills. he starts feeling weird but he slowly walks out and he falls and passes out  from loosing blood and 0@verd0sing and it made a thud him hitting his head on a bookshelf making his head bleed.

Tommy's parents heard the thud and went  upstairs to check. his mom went in the bathroom where the thud was and she screams when she sees tommy bleeding on the floor. his dad came in and ran to his son and picks him up and tries to stop the bleeding while his mom calls 991(911). the emergency people got there after 15 minutes.

When the emergency health people come they got out and quietly went in and picked tommy up and strapped him up and took him to the car and quickly took him to the hospital. His parents were scared and worried about there son if he will make it or not.

After a few hours tommy was in the hospital in a coma for months but he was getting worse everyday and the only people that new about this were the doctors and his parents.

The Dsmp members didn't know what was happening as they were busy with there own life's as streamers and making videos for others and editing but as time has past they haven't seen the loud annoying child in a while even the chat members from there streams, well that was intel a video came out on tommy's channel of his parents in front with a picture of tommy in it.

The parents started talking about what tommy was like and stories when he was a child in the video and there dog was there too, as the video ends it shows different pictures of tommy with his full name and year he was born and his death. Ranboo was watching the video and he had started crying. he went to his Twitter and made a twit and it said "I hope Heaven is Treating you well I miss you". 

Ranboo posts it on Tommy's page and kept on crying the whole time. he switched to the app for discord and announces that he will be taking a break from what has happened it is sad that we have lost a really awesome streamer today. After he sent that he messages Tommy's parents some prays and everything.

Over the few days the others except Ranboo, ghostinnit(if it was in Minecraft then yes) knew what was going on as they were busy with there lives of health and streaming and editing and having fun with out knowing that there annoying gremlin who screams all the time is gone forever. Ranboo decides to tell philza and techno about where tommy is and he is wearing Tommy's merch all the time.

Ranboos pov

He gets in a vc and pings philza and techno to come in vc because he has something to tell them. after that he tries not to cry as much. Techno got on first then philza came on.

Philza says "hi ranboo what did you need to tell us?"

"yeah" Techno said in the monotone voice.

Ranboo tried not to tear up. "its about tommy..."

"what about tommy" Techno and philza say at the same time.

Ranboo starts crying in front of them "h-his g-gone....."

the both of them were shocked when he started crying "w-what do you mean that he is gone." Philza said.

"I-I'm gonna send you a-a video" he goes to it and grabs the link and sends it to philza and techno in there dms  and lets them watch it as i keep crying.

3 minutes later

philza and techno now know where tommy is and is sad and upset. ranboo does a stream while in tears and stuff as it just do a chat time is. all of them just talk as the other smp just join the vc wondering what they are doing.

Wilbur says "hey guys what are you doing now"

Ranboo looks at the vc "hi Wilbur just doing a chat stream" he was in crack a bit

"you okay ranboo you sound bad" 

the others start coming into the voice chat and just listening and stuff. "hey guys what is wrong?" Dream says. techno leaves as he knows what is going to happen. "I'm gonna send you all a video that's all I'm gonna say since you guys are busy all the time" after that he ends stream and sends the video in a gc of all of them and leaves the voice chat.

the streamers look in the group chat and sees a video made by tommyinnit thinking he made a video but they are dead wrong it was a video about tommy being gone. they were shock like dead ass shocked from all of this in the video. Tubbo and Wilbur were the most affected from this as tubbo got up and ran to his parents to tell them that tommy is gone while Wilbur didn't move from his spot.

4 years later they all moved on as they wear tommyinnit merch to keep his spirt there for moral support even if he is in heaven he will be in there memory everyday.



(1,243 words )

One shots of the tommy innitWhere stories live. Discover now