Cross dress tommy

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Welcome back to the oneshots! I hope you enjoy it.


Tommy always thought he was different when he would wear clothes that would be in his dresser like shirts pants shorts. He tolerated it to the point it was to much and went to buy a few pairs of skirts to wear and he hides them in his room and only takes them out when he is home alone. That was till the day that he has streamed.

Tommy was getting ready for a 2 hour long stream and he got on his normal clothes for the Tommyinnit stream. He also had some snacks and other goods since he wasn't going to go down stairs unless for soda or water. He turns the computer on and sets it up with everything.

Tommy started the stream as he had the opening screen so he let the chat flood in and letting a twitter feed out that I am now live on twitch. he smiles a bit then sees the chat breaking and chuckled a bit and started fixing the whole chat. he still had the opening screen and he got it to the chatting area so it is full screen.

The chat was calm now after being fixed and they started asking questions and one came up with wearing a skirt. Tommy got up and grabbed the bag and showed the chat that I have one ready and said it was a dare from tubbo. Tommy went in the bathroom and changed and comes back and smiles a bit "Welcome chat i am now in the dare that tubbo has gave me when i stream so here i am!" Tommy smiles a bit. "now im gonna play games a bit" Tommy did and stuff.

3 hours later of the stream it was fun but he had to end it so he could rest for tomorrows stream was it was a mcc. he ended the stream after making art from a drawing and it was something else. he got up and went downstairs to the kitchen to make something and he made a sandwich and got other snacks and went back to his room to watch a move on his computer.

he fell asleep while in the middles of the movie and there was 23:48 minutes left on it but it was some scary parts in it. he didnt wake up for a few days he was in the hospital. (hehe no more of this one)

that was the end of this one shot. i hoped you liked it :D

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