Chapter One

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"On your feet, Osivian," said young Lieutenant Thalleous Sendaris.

The other lieutenant got up. "As you wish, Ky-Thalleous." The lieutenant readied his wooden sword for another duel.

Despite reaching manhood only fifty years ago, Thalleous was already successful in the millitary. Five months into his six-month deployment at Fort Rethrea, Thalleous Sendaris had mainly joined in honorance of his family tradition. His father, grandfather, and great-grandfather had all been militia members, and Thalleous had always known he wanted to be on a similar path. While on a "safe and learning-oriented" three-week deployment intended to give him more leadership training, Thalleous had been paying close attention to the words of the more senior protectors of the Ardoni.

the vigilance of the Sendaria Militia gave the rest of Sendaria peace of mind, and Thalleous would fulfill that duty.

Suddenly, a low-ranking young male burst into the room. "There's a mandatory meeting for all troops in the main hall."

"Understood, Sarrettus," Thalleous said. "Come, Osivian."

The trio proceeded to the hall, where a glowing blue assembly of Sendaris awaited them. The wall was vast and cavernous, made to hold hundreds of soldiers at once. Their base had enough troops stationed there to fill that room. As Thalleous sat down, the room grew silent as the commander stationed there stood at the stone podium near the back of the room. The Commader rose to deliver his speech.

"My Brothers," he said in a deep, gravelly voice. "The masters are selecting a champion to wield the Prime Songs, as you already know. As you also know, our own Thalleous Sendaris has been allowed to compete."

A large uproar went up at the sound of this. Thalleous had been champion once before, having slain Dominus Voltaris. He was excited to compete again, but nervous all the same.

"The final contestants have been chosen, and the trial is to take place in Sendaria."

A thunderous cry of joy rang through the crowd. What an honor! To bear witness to this historic moment, to watch the champion destined to combat the rising threat of the nether be selected. Thalleous knew he would remember the tournament for the rest of his life.

Thalleous sheathed his iron sword, preparing for the journey to Ontretheia, where the tournament would take place.

"You won't need that," said Osivian Sendaris. "They'll provide you with a weapon when you get there. You're a contestant, after all."

"It's standard procedure to carry it," said Thalleous. "We're being sent there to guard, not to spectate."

"The commander says it won't be needed, and we're free to leave our weapons behind if we so choose. Our presence is but a formality."

"I'll choose to keep it," Thalleous said.

Osivian grimaced. "You were always on the cautious side, Thalleous."

"Not caution. Preparation. The tribes will inevitably argue when the winner is declared, and riots may very well spread."

Osivian tilted his head. "The masters will prevent that."

"Will they?" Thalleous stood up. "The Walls of Time do not lie. The masters always argue over decisions concerning the new champion. You know as well as I what caused the wars between Nestoris and Kaltaris of old."

"This time is different," Osivian said. "The clans have sanctioned this event as to make it nearly impossible for any violence to break out."

Thalleous made his way out the door. "I hope you're right, Osivian." He pursed his lips. "I hope you're right."

As Ghost Battalion completed their march to Ontretheia, Thalleous looked around at the scenery surrounding the sendarian city. He passed the rosebushes and peonies, and breathed the crisp summer air. His blade's handle gleamed in the sunlight.

"The Walls of Time say that Ontretheia was built before there were any kingdoms," Osivian said. "An eternal sanctuary set forth by the Gods."

"And we behold it now as the place where we challenge fate," Thalleous whispered.

His Battalion-Major spoke. "Only Thalleous and his platoon will enter the sanctuary. The rest of us are to stand guard outside."

"Yes, sir!" The crowd spoke. Thalleous' platoon surrounded him. Then, they entered the gigantic sphere where hundreds of ardoni waited for the tournament to begin. His battalion took their posts along with the other guards stationed there. Only a few of them carried weapons.

Two Sendaris presented him with a great diamond broadsword.

"Thank you," he muttered, placing his iron blade on a bench.

"You'll need to hand us your primes for the duel, champion," they said. "We'll leave them with your iron."

"Of course," he said, leaving his four glowing cubes on the bench.

"We have a few songs left for your perusal. Choose only one."

Thalleous walked over to where four songs were kept, one of each type.

A Nestoris stood by him. "An aggrobeam, a mobbiliflash, a Suppotelk, and a Protesoval. All good choices."

Thalleous nodded. "Are you a contestant?"

The nestoris nodded. "Yes. I am Ingressus, and you?"

"Thalleous. You don't mind if I take the mobillium, do you?"

"Go ahead. Good luck."

"Thank you," Thalleous said as he walked away and into the central area.

Four Nestoris walked into the center of the sphere, as did a Kaltaris trio. One Mendaris male was cleaning his sword on the ground. Three Sendaris awaited them. They rose, bowed to each other, and the battle began.

The Kaltaris was the first to strike. Raising his scythe, he fired his aggressium song's beam of red light as one of the Nestoris. One of them deflected it with his blade into the ground. The two three charged at the remaining Nestoris, and the battle descended into a frenzy. One by one, ardoni fell. The Kaltaris armed with a scythe was knocked ten feet back by a Nestoris sword, and two Sendaris candidates were eliminated by each other. Three Nestoris fell, leaving only four warriors. The Kaltaris were both defeated, and Thalleous and Nestoris warriors were locked in a heated duel. Thalleous used his Mobilliflash to teleport away from a strike, but Ingressus quickly used his aggrobeam to his advantage. Thalleous parried the attack with his diamond broadsword, and teleported back to Ingressus. After a few seconds, Ingressus ducked from one of Thalleous' attacks, and kicked him in the leg. Thalleous got back up as Ingressus attempted a blow, and parried a second strike shortly after. However, the Nestoris candidate quickly gained the upper hand, knocking Thalleous five blocks back. He had won the tournament.

Cheers and applause rang throughout the crowd. The champion had been found. He would wield the prime songs to combat the threats plaguing their land.

Then, something strange happened. He outstretched his hands, and his yellow markings gained a red hue.

"What sorcery is this?" One Sendaris barked.

"I am Ingressus, master of the Voltaris clan. Hearken to me!"

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