The word close echoed through Anakin's head like a threat, a word he'd been trained extensively to fear but had chosen over and over again not to. It took him a moment to respond. "I just believe that every padawan should be treated with respect and care, not discarded and pushed so hard by their master that they can't recover."

Master Allie nodded. "I see." She replied, but her gaze didn't waver. Anakin knew exactly what that cautionary stare meant, he had received it thousands of times: 'Don't get too attached, Skywalker'.

He ignored it. "Is her room open to visitors?"

"I believe so, yes. But she won't be very talkative; she just underwent extensive and intrusive scoping to remove the infection so she'll be extremely out of it."

"I understand. What room?"

"This way." Master Allie lead him to a room clearly designed for surgery recovery; it was much more elaborate and had many more machines inside than a usual room. Ahsoka laid curled up under her sheets as Anakin sat and Master Allie gave a frustrated sigh.

"Ahsoka, dear, you cannot lay like that."

A slight head tilt in their direction proved that Ahsoka had heard her, but she made no effort to move. Master Allie just walked over and gently readjusted the padawan, who limply complied likely because she couldn't do much else. Her eyes were open and she stared resignedly at the Jedi Master as she was situated into a safe lying position straight on her back. "There." Master Allie declared, glancing at Anakin. "I'll be back to check up on her later."

The healer left, and now it was only Anakin and Ahsoka in the room. Anakin stared at her and stifled a laugh; whatever they had given her, it must have been strong. Ahsoka's head lolled to the side and she stared back, the widest grin he'd ever seen on her forming. "Oh, Maser Sywalk! I like seeing you!"

Anakin couldn't hold in his laugh. "What happened?"

Ahsoka shrugged but then winced. "Ow. Uh.. I donmember. Oh wait I do!" Her eyes got big and she tried to sit up but winced again and laid back down. "Ow. But I was walking n I had a wild dream I was drowning in... Stuff, and then I heard my maser talking to counooku and then I died."

The Jedi stared blankly, not even attempting to decipher everything she had just said. "Sounds interesting."

"Oh, it was wild!" Ahsoka frowned. "I wasurprised to see my maser talking wih coundooku thouh. Das bad."

Anakin's eyes widened slightly. "Wait... You said he was talking with Count Dooku?"

"Yah. I guess they're friends or someing."

Although Anakin was taking everything Ahsoka said with a massive pile of salt, for some reason he had a feeling that this little detail rang true. But he didn't dare try to ask her more at this moment, knowing he would receive nothing but more incoherent babbling. Instead he just gave a small laugh. "Well, I'll leave you be."

As he stood up to leave he heard a small 'nooooo' from Ahsoka and turned back around. "What's wrong?"

"Ion wanna be alone."


"Becus ifIm alone..." She trailed off, looked around, then gestured Anakin closer. He complied, leaning in. "... He can come in."


"My Maser. He's gona be sooo mad a me."


"Becus imnot practicing." Ahsoka rolled her eyes. "But thisis his fault anyways."

"What do you mean?"

"He wan to practice ALL the time, even when imnot healed yet."

Anakin pursed his lips lightly. "I see."

Ahsoka was quiet, an unexpected change of pace. Anakin watched as her head turned back towards the ceiling, her stare seemingly going through it. She sniffled lightly, and Anakin was immediately hit with an uncomfortable fidgety feeling, one he had whenever someone near him was crying. "Donlet him get me." She breathed quietly, her hands forming fists in the sheets. "Donlet him get me."

The Jedi stared at the padawan, overcome with a feeling he didn't experience often for people who weren't Obi-Wan or Padmé: an immense surge of protectiveness, a promise to himself that he wouldn't let anything happen to that person. That they were much too important now to let go of. His eyes softened and he gently unfolded one of Ahsoka's hands from its deathgrip on her sheets, placing his own hand on top of it. "I won't." He promised, equally as quiet.

The promise hung in the air between the two, and Anakin gave a sigh and stood up. "Get some rest, kid."


Anakin paused and turned around. "What did you just call me?" He asked with a short, surprised laugh.

"Skyguy, becaus your lasname and you're... A guy."

The Jedi just stared at her for a moment before snorting lightly and exiting the room. "Skyguy." He repeated humorously to himself as he walked out of the Halls of Healing. As he walked out his comm started beeping, and he answered it absentmindedly. "Skywalker."

"Well, you sure sound tired." Anakin felt a jolt of excitement run through him as his wife's voice reached his ears. He quickly looked around, then retreated into a corner with a small smile.

"Padmé." He breathed, a sigh of relief.

He could practically hear the smile in Padmé's voice as she responded. "I just got back for a few days, I-"

"I'm already on my way."

Padmé laughed. "Alright, looking forward to it."

"Me too." Like you wouldn't believe. Anakin shut off his comm and immediately made a beeline for his personal speeder, more than grateful for the distraction from his current predicament.

Y'all medicated Ahsoka is fun af to write not gonna lie XD I'm back on my grind and the inspiration has returned so expect more updates for this book and Luke and Leia - Jedi! Thank you all so so much for the support on this book so far, the rankings have been absolutely BONKERS and it already has over 3k views! And it's not even done yet!!

Anyways, I love you all! Drink some water, eat some food, get some sleep, and take your meds <3

Nelgiz :)

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