Lazari, Stripes, Red Death, & Theo

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- Her favorite food is anything spicy, because it reminds her of the food from her homeland. In fact, the chefs in the manor were given El Salvadorian recipes so they could make authentic native dishes for her. Demons also can't get drunk, so she's allowed to drink wine, which she loves.


- They were born in Greece in the 1880's.

- They call Zalgo "Father."

- They chose to stop aging when they were 30 years old.

- They have messy maroon hair and pale skin.

- Stripes' mother died in childbirth, and the woman's husband gave them up to a local orphanage because they weren't his child. Stripes never knew who their mother was, but their last name is Lambros from her and her husband.

- From a young age, Stripes was taught by those who ran the orphanage that they were a mutt born from sin, and they were often abused because of it. They also got bullied by the other children on a regular basis.

- Ever since they were young, Stripes had a taste for violence, and they often got into trouble by getting into fights with the children who made fun of them. Because of this, their demonic powers started showing from a young age, and they desperately tried to keep them to themselves out of fear.

- When Stripes was 9, their powers were discovered by the woman in charge of the orphanage, and they were thrown out onto the streets. That's when Zalgo found them and took them in, and it was the first time Stripes had ever felt loved.

- They're eternally grateful to their father and would do anything for him. They actually trained in fighting and acrobatics so they could serve as a general in Zalgo's army. They're also in charge of doling out missions to their dad's proxies.

- It took a long time for Stripes to be confident in themselves, but with the help of their dad and servants, they now know their worth.

- Because Stripes is the oldest amongst their siblings, they're the heir to their father's throne.

- Due to the fact that Stripes is genderfluid, their title is General, not prince or princess. Every day, they wear specially made pronoun pins so others won't get confused.

- Out of all their siblings, Stripes is the most protective. For example, when their brother Red Death got into a relationship with one of his servants, Gas Mask Maid, Stripes was rather hostile towards her at first.

- At one point, they had a relationship with Bleedingman. When it ended, the only reason he wasn't exiled was because Stripes had reminded Zalgo that he was a good proxy.

- They're only called Eloise on femme days.

- Stripes doesn't show true emotion a lot, but they're always smiling when around their family. They're a natural leader, and they're very devoted to their duties. But they can be rather fiesty.

- Of their siblings, Stripes is the most powerful.

- Greek is their first language, and they still have an accent.

- They have strong muscles, but they're not very pronounced due to their naturally thin body type.

- To them, family is more important than anything.

- Normally, Stripes simply has a leader/soldier relationship with their dad's proxies, but they're friends with Nurse Ann and Shadow Walker.

- Stripes designed their signature outfit themselves. That's where they got their name.

Red Death

- He was born in Germany in the early 1930's.

- He calls Zalgo "Papa."

My Creepypasta/Slenderverse Headcanons [redone]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu