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Começar do início

My forest hues flickered to Jack, and suddenly I had a perfect idea. I should get a job! It made sense. It would distract me from my "normal" life, and I would get paid. What could be better than that? The black-haired teen must've felt my stare because he looked down at me quizzically.

"Uh. Do you need something?" Jack inquired awkwardly, leaning slightly back from the proximity of our faces. I nodded, a smile forming on my lips.

"Do you know if there are any job openings anywhere?" I wondered, fidgeting with a strand of my hair. He seemed taken off-guard by the random question and hesitated for a moment.

"Not that I can think of. Why the sudden interest?" I deflated at his answer, my eyes returning to the screen.

"I figured it would be a good idea to earn money. I have to start saving up for college at some point. " I replied, my hand fidgeting with the crystal around my neck. I didn't want to tell him the real reason I wanted a break from everything. Though a small part of me had a feeling Jack would understand more than anyone else. His cobalt hues studied me for a moment before he let out a breath.

"I could help you look before my shift." Jack offered. I perked, my gaze snapping at him as my disappointment faded.

"Really? Cause that would be amazing." I beamed a wide grin on my face. Jack's eyes widened, and he swiftly turned his head away from mine. He cleared his throat, quickly stepping away as he sheepishly rubbed a hand on the back of his neck.

"We...we should probably go then. My shift starts in a couple of hours." Jack stammered. I raised an eyebrow at his strange behavior but brushed it off with a shrug. Miko whined when I stood up, but I hurriedly reassured her with a pat, saying I would be back soon. The girl pouted but allowed me to go, not without shooting Jack a glare for taking me away.

"Hey, Ratchet!" I called out, interrupting whatever the old medic was doing. The mech groaned, grumbling as he turned toward Jack and me. Jack smiled nervously at the look on Ratchet's face, but I stayed unfazed as I casually leaned against the railing.

"What do you want now?" He asked, his optics narrowed in annoyance.

"Can you Groundbridge us into town?" I wondered, my smile faltering at the blank look on his face. The silence was almost deafening as we stared at each other, and I gulped. After an eternity, the medic vented, turning to his computer. I was about to take that as a no when Ratchet spoke.

"Fine. You better not get into any trouble." Ratchet warned, powering on the device. I grinned, shooting Jack a victorious smile as I rushed down the stairs. I heard the teen's clumsy footsteps from behind me as I made it to the bottom step, and I waved to Ratchet.

"Thanks, Ratchet, you won't regret this," I promised, anticipation filling me as I got closer to the portal.

"I already do." The mech grumbled. I could feel the wind on my cheeks as the portal swirled around me. It almost felt alive by how much energy came off it, and I swore I could reach out and capture the Energon in my hand. I didn't wait any longer before running in, and I was consumed in blues, greens, and purple. Everything was a fantastic array of colors, and my eyes widened in awe as I admired the portal around me.

I winced as a sharp pain went through my head, and I staggered slightly. Suddenly the colors seemed less inviting, almost suffocating. The energy around me was overwhelming, and my eyes snapped shut to block it out, but it did little to help.

 Something pulsed inside my chest, like a bird trying to escape its cage, and my veins burned. Just as the sensations became unbearable, my feet touched solid ground, and the brightness around me disappeared.

Protector (TFP)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora