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After school was over, they helped Matilda get home safely and once she was inside, the three of them started talking as they walk to their homes.

"Dan, I don't think I can relive all of this again" Miley says "it was a nightmare not to mention the principal scary"

I know, but we're here now and until this is over we're stuck here" Dan says "so until we find out what happened to Matilda. We are stuck here and I don't want to relive all this either, but this time with my bracelet I've got my powers so we can change things and make it easier, and maybe just maybe give Matilda a new happy ending away from her selfish parents"

"Oh that's right" Miley says "all they cared about was themselves and didn't they treat her terrible?"

"Yes they did" Dan says "they thought Matilda was a disappointment. They didn't realize how special she was"

"I feel so bad for her" Slifer says.

"Dan, I think your lizard should keep an eye on her" Miley says.

"I am not a lizard, I'm a dragon" Slifer says.

"Yeah, right" Miley says.

"He's not lying" Dan says "let me show you" he then touches her head and he shows her his true form and she gasps afterwards "see"

"Unbelievable" Miley says "I didn't think dragons were real"

"Oh, they're real, they're just hidden" Dan says "and I like your idea" he looks at Slifer "if you don't mind"

"I'll keep an eye on her" Slifer says.

They then went back to her house and look for her room until they found it and they tapped on the window and Matilda came to the window and opened it.

"What are you guys doing here?" Matilda asks.

"I want to leave you my little dragon-lizard to look after you" Dan says.

"That's not necessary" Matilda says.

"Trust me, it is" Miley says.

"Can you keep a secret?" Dan asks.

"Of course" Matilda says.

"This little guy" Dan says holding him "he can talk" he looks at Slifer "say something"

"Hello" Slifer says with a wave.

Matilda's eyes go wide as she stares at Slifer "how?"

"That's not important" Dan says "let Slifer stay with you and he will look out for you and if you want you can talk to him he'll interact with you he's very smart for a little guy, so please will you take him?"

"Okay" Matilda says. "when do I need to give him back to you?"

"He'll come back to me when he's ready and for the time being keep him hidden and by your side and he can go invisible if needed and if you have any questions whatsoever all you have to do is come find me or Miley and we will explain" Dan says.

"Okay" Matilda says.

"I'll see you soon Slifer" Dan says "oh and bring him to school with you too"

After that they left and that left Matilda and Slifer alone as they talked and got to know each other and they got along quite well.


It was night time now and the Wormwood family was in the living room, watching wrestling and the wife was doing her husbands hair, dying it back to its original color.

Dan and Miley meet MatildaWhere stories live. Discover now