"Sensei...my fist started glowing. Now my fist feels numb, but I apparently split the ground into two. Is that really right, Naruto?" Sakura turned to Naruto, on her left.

"Yeah...Yeah...That...Happened." The blonde kept spacing in and out until he fell unconscious.

"Naruto!" Kakashi snapped as Naruto awoke.

"Yeah?" He asked, groggily.

"What happened to you and Sakura? I want everything from start to finish."

"Well, we had started following them, then they noticed us and started firing some kind of round, small dart at us, although when they hit us, the pain was unbearable. Then, they apparently 'ran out of ammo' and while they were 'recharging', Sakura leapt onto the roof of the car and punched it once with such force that it sent the car down about 50 meters into the ground. The force then carried through the ground and eventually cracked the ground and then split apart the road a little."

The males, listening on the story, turned to Sakura and saw her blushing and looking pleased.

"Anyway, the guys Sakura punched got one of those darts and then I think that she fainted from the pain. Then something weird happened. I got these weird sensations that felt like my wounds were healing, then I was taken to this type of sewer with this huge cage in front of me. Then there was a flash of light, then there was some kind of orange blob in front of me. He told me his name was Kurt-no-Kuramara. No, Kura. NO, KURAMA. Then he told me that he sympathised with my pain that I was feeling, and it told me that he would help me out. So next thing I know, I have a coat around me and it's coloured orange and yellow, and my skin is the same colour. Then, I can see him inside of my mind and he's telling me what to do. And my punches and kicks are apparently amped by his chakra, so he can give me his power in return for something."

"And what was that something?" Sasuke interrupted.

Naruto just shrugged. He had no clue. Kakashi was proud of his students.

One had, (sort of), befriended the Nine Tails.
One had a punch that could split the ground apart.
One could change landscapes and use S-class ninjutsu techniques.

Yep. He was proud.

He jumped onto another building and took a camera from...somewhere...and took a photo of the destroyed building and its remnants. Then, he jumped back down and asked Naruto to lead him to the scene of the owners' demise.

When they arrived, Sasuke and Kakashi were shocked at what they saw. It appeared as Naruto and Sakura were telling the truth. The owners, all dead, bloodless, debilitated, lifeless, whatever you want to call them. They stepped in piles of blood.

Kakashi went to take photographs of each owner. There was blood all over the road they were in. There was blood all over the buildings they were close to. He went to check the names off a list.

"Yuno Akarami, check. Juko Chikana, check. Hirugami Doza, check. Hara Kirishima, check. Lamar Harapito, check. Aika Akira, check. Obi Kanatatio, check. Iku Hotaru." Kakashi droned on.

Naruto motioned towards Sasuke, and asked.

"Hey, how'd you do that move? The one with the lightning and the lightning strings." He whispered.

"I simply followed the scroll that you gave me. It contained the 2 moves I did in the killing of the owners. The 'Brigading Commandment' and the 'Raitoningufizu'." Sasuke whispered back.

"Can you teach me those moves? I want to learn them really badly. They're so cool!" Naruto exclaimed softly. Sasuke looked at Naruto meaningfully. He also really wanted to teach Naruto how to use these moves; they would be such a great team, the Brigading Commandment would damage at least a city if mastered.

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