Twelve (12) - Fool and Hate

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{Long Chapter Ahead - 4,710 words}

"Hey! You're a Marleyan, aren't you?! Why the hell are you here?! What business do you have at a funeral for an Eldian killed by Marley?!"

Y/n's brows shot-up, hearing a man's furious voice, ranting to someone. She stood up from sitting down on the grass, behind a tree. She looked at where the man's voice was coming from, and there she saw a soldier from the MPB beating up a familiar man in front of someone's tomb.

"Please wait! We'll take care of him!"

The h/c-haired lady watched as Jean appeared and stopped the MP from beating up Niccolo. Connie and Mikasa were also at the scene and tended to Niccolo.

Y/n made her way to the four, she eyed the MPB who only rolled his eyes at her. She only sighed and shook her head. "Are you okay, Niccolo?" Jean asked the blond, Marleyan-man.

"How'd you get here?" Connie asked.

Y/n stood beside Jean, she kept a stoic face while staring at Niccolo who's still on the ground, mourning for Sasha. "Dammit! Why?!" Niccolo looked up at them. "Did...Sasha really die?" The blond-man asked.

No one was able to answer Niccolo.

"Tell me...why...? What were all of you doing?" Niccolo asked.

The blond-man turned to Sasha's tomb, placing a bouquet of white roses in front of the late brunette lady's tomb. "They said a girl snuck onto the airship and shot her...?" Niccolo flashed a sarcastic smile.

"What? How could that possibly happen?"

"She was no ordinary girl." Y/n spoke, Jean, Mikasa and Connie looked at her, while Niccolo kept his eyes at Sasha's engraved name on the tombstone. "That young girl was trained..."

"...A warrior candidate?" Niccolo said.

Y/n didn't answer.

"We let our guard down...I'm sorry." Jean spoke.

Niccolo looked down, the sadness screaming on his face, the pain of losing someone special to him is evident in his eyes. "...Why apologize to me...? All I did...was cook for her."

Connie crouched behind Niccolo, grabbing the man's shoulder. "Thank you, Niccolo. For feeding much good food." The gray-haired guy is the same with Niccolo. could even be much worse. Sasha was his best friend. They're inseparable.

"...What about you, Connie?"

Niccolo asked.

Connie looked down. "...Sasha and I...were like twins. It feels like I've lost half of me."

Y/n looked away, and as she did so, her eyes caught a group of people which seemed to be in here to visit someone. A family of six. Are they...

The patriarch of the family removed his hat. "Son..." Niccolo and the others looked back at Sasha's family. "I understand you did a lot for my daughter..." Mr. Braus sadly said.

Niccolo and the Levi squad stepped aside to give way to Sasha's family.

Y/n kept her eyes staring blankly at nowhere as she listened to the cries of Sasha's mother and siblings.

I should go home and visit Francis...

"Um...sir?" Niccolo called Mr. Braus.

Sasha's father and her family looked at Niccolo. "I'm just a captive Marleyan. But I have permission to work as a chef." The shock was evident in Sasha's family. "Your daughter...enjoyed my food more than anyone else. So...if you would....please come and eat my food!" The blond-man said, giving another shock to Sasha's family.

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