Teach to dance

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I woke up slightly later then usual for school so I decided I'd be comfortable and this ways I wouldn't have to change for dance. I wore the flannel around school and tied it around my waist when it came to dance. But today went by really fast. It was midterms and I was passing all my classes with 95s and over. I was just excited to help Patricia learn a hip hop routine. And just as I was practicing she ran in and screamed that she just needed to change. With that little break I went and grabbed water to drink but before I could bend down and get it Caleb was already handing it to me.

"You never texted me" he said as I drank my water. "So that's what that was sorry I just threw it into my purse and haven't touched it since" he placed his hand on his heart and made this hurt face "you know that really hurts" I just laughed at him as I heard Patricia open the door. "Caleb go home, it's not like it's a dude teaching me so your brotherly instincts aren't needed and I'm sure she can drive me home" I laugh and said "actually I can't I walk everyday" she had a stunned look and Caleb looked pist "you live like an hour away and your parents haven't given you a car, how stupid are they" I just looked down at my feet.
"Look I don't wanna talk about it, so to make it simple they won't give me a car because I don't dress to their liking" now I can see Caleb getting pist. And he spoke "okay have your dance lesson and then we're taking you shopping for a new wardrobe because this is ridiculous, we'll find you clothes your comfortable in and that they'll approve of." I just shut up and did some stretches warm ups before I helped her but I couldn't stop thinking.  Now he's trying to change me and he doesn't even know who I am. This is ridiculous and stupid. We spent about two hours and she had a choreography she could present.

As we exited the school I started to walk home when a firm hand grabbed mine but i was pist. "What caleb" I turned as I gave him a pissed look. "We're going shopping remember" I give him a look of disbelieve. "You've got to be kidding me. You don't even know who I am and you're already trying to change me. I already have my whole family trying to do that and I don't need you doing that either" I forcefully removed my hand from his and started walking away. But before I left I turned around "don't worry I'll be driving to school tomorrow but just realize you won't recognize me" I pretty much ran home and when I got there I took a picture of my outfit and sent it to my mom 'this is what I'm wearing to school tomorrow, you're right I do need a bit of a change'
She replied back instantly 'I'm glad I can help, the keys are in your underwear compartment somewhere find it and you can drive from now on'
Wow. It was that easy to start driving. I was starting to fall asleep when I got a text from an unknown number.
'Look I'm sorry, I don't mean to change you, it just bothers me that your parents think you need to change please forgive me - Caleb'
I replied instantly
'It's fine, I got the car, just don't be surprised if you can't find me tomorrow and if you're really curious to who I am, the version my parents like then look for a Mercedes Benz G-Wagon tomorrow morning. -Melaani'

I crawled back into a ball and threw my blankets over me until I fell asleep. He's sorry, and he doesn't even know who you are, he doesn't know your his best friends sister.

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