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Sayanni Janae Wilson | Chicago IL
two days later

Sayanni Janae Wilson | Chicago ILtwo days later

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"I swear imma start stripping. Starting to really understand the word fruegal. This shit is getting to be too much," Amina groaned as she pulled the blanket off of Sayanni and got into the bed with her.

Laying flat on her back with her arms stretched out her right arm laying across Sayanni's face.

"Girl you is still a minor. So what is you talking about?" Sayanni replied moving her hand from her face. Amina put her hand back instead of responding and they went back and forth with her hand until Sayanni popped her.

"Damn popped me like I was yo daughter," Amina exclaimed rubbing her arm and turning away from Sayanni.

Sayanni lifted up from the bed pulling the cover back over Amina. Sayanni made her way into her bathroom grabbing her face rag from inside the shower and running hot water over it to wipe the crust out of her eyes.

She then grabbed her toothbrush out of its holder, turning on the sink back on and running the brah under the water, she squeezed some toothpaste on it and brushed her teeth, sticking her tongue out to brush her tongue as well. Filling a small cup up with water to gargle and then grabbing her mouthwash gargling that as well.

As she was finishing up her phone rang and dinged with a few text messages causing her to frown. She patted her face dry then walked towards her phone where it should've been in the charger.

Sayanni looked under her bed on the other end table by her bed and in her covers. Her phone dinged again, Amina pulled her hand out from under the covers tossing the girl her phone and then pulling them tightly back over her head.

Furrowing her eyebrows and side eyeing Amina for a second, she grabbed her phone seeing a miss call from Von. Instantly a smile spread across her face as she pressed his contact calling him.

Sayanni placed the phone to her ear listening to it ring until he answered, before she could even get a word out he cut her off.

"Answer my FaceTime ma," Daivon's raspy deep voice flowed through the speaker of her phone, a shiver moving down her back at his voice.

Sayanni stood up and walked into her living room, checking her self in the mirror on her wall facing the front door before her phone began to ring again.

She watched the phone ring for a second before answering it and putting half her face into the camera.

Von had the phone on his lap one hand on the steering wheel and the other resting on top of his head, the continues click of the cars blinker sounding through her speaker.

"Where you going?" Sayanni asked watching him, he looked down at the phone before shrugging. "Just driving, had to run some errands for my brother," Daivon stated looking back up to the road.

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