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AUGUST 30TH | 2020

Screams were the only thing that could be heard from the delivery room, Joy was standing to the right of Sayanni. The grip the young girl had on her grandmother's hand was bone crushing as the doctor gave her orders.

"We can see her head. Give me one more big push." The doctor calmly stated, looking at Sayanni through her lashes, a pink mask covering half of her face and a matching cap on her head. Her grandmother next to her in a matching apron and mask, Sayanni squeezed her hand as another wave of pain passed through her body.

It was excruciating, it felt like her lower half was being ripped from the inside out slowly. Sayanni had tears and snot running down her face as the pressure in her lower half hadn't stopped but had started to worsen.

She laid her head back against the hospital bed in exhaustion, feeling as though she'd pass out. Her vision was getting spotty and everyone that was speaking to her sounded a bit distant.

"Pooh, you got just one more. I'm right here." Momma Joy spoke up, grasping her other hand around the one she was already holding. Sayanni let out a cry, pain was all she could feel at the moment and it seemed to only get worse.

"Momma, I can't. I'm sorry I can't. It hurts so bad." she cried, shifting uncomfortably as her body started to push on its own.

"I know pooh, but you gotta finish and then you can rest. One more for me... then you're done," Her grandmother reassured with an empathetic smile nodding towards the doctor as she began to instruct Sayanni again. Joy had her own run it with three kids all natural births but the eighties was a bit different than now when delivering children.

"Come on, you have one more push sweetheart. I know it hurts but you gotta push love." The doctor assured her, looking towards the young girl, pulling down her mask to look at the girl fully.

"On my count alright.." she stated a bit like a question, Sayanni nodded shifting again and grasping her grandmother's hand, preparing herself as best she could for this.

"One," "Two," "Three,"

Sayanni scrunched up her face as she pushed, feeling the pressure in her lower half rise again. The feeling of something so significant coming out of her body was unbearable.

Still pushing her vision began to blur as she felt her body become overwhelmed, a headache from straining rising in the back of her head slowly coming up. Her grandmother's hand released from her head as she heard the cries of her great-granddaughter echo through the delivery room.

Sayanni felt her body becoming limp, all of the pain and pressure numbing everything as she heard her daughter's cries. A small tired smile came across her face as her body was finally finished with the worst of it.

The doctor had placed the small child onto Sayanni's chest after clamping the umbilical cord and wiping her down from all of the bodily contents she was covered in.

Sayanni started to cry again, holding her child in her arms. Every bit of  pain she had felt beforehand melting away as she held her. Momma Joy watched her granddaughter, a proud smile spread across her face.

At first, Joy was disappointed in Sayanni for her choices and carelessness for her body, but then she remembered when she was a teenager.

"If only your mother was here to see you." she thought to herself, tears running down her face as well.

"Mrs. Wilson we'll come back to check on her to ensure everything is all right. Hopefully, we'll have a name for the baby." Sayanni's doctor stated, grasping Joy's hands before nodding and stepping out of the room.

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