I decided on taking a stroll and exploring this side of the place. There was path in between the sunflowers, everything about this seemed perfect. My eyes moved to one sunflower in particular. It looked so free I was almost envious. I chuckled to myself I have reached a new low. I was now envious of flowers.

"Mo Grá." There was a way that he pronounced Gaelic words that made shivers rush down my spine, his accent thicker. I didn't even know what these words meant and I didn't care at first but now I wanted to know. I didn't even hear him approach me yet I was supposed to always be on alert but then again I shouldn't be surprised when it came to him.

"Lachlan-" I turned around watching the specimen of a man before me. He had no suit jacket on today just his white shirt that wasn't tight but fit him just right emphasising his built strong physique. No tie in sight the first two buttons of his shirt open. His sharp jaw line a distraction on it's own. I could never get used to his handsome features. I don't think there was a soul that could ever get used to them. He stood there tall with his hands in his pockets projecting a calmness to him as he held my eyes. My heart immediately beating faster. A beautiful monster.

"I-I was just admiring the flowers. They are breathtaking." I looked away not only because I was unable to hold his gaze but also because of the way he looked at me. It was still the same way he looked at me the first time he saw me. I unknowingly took a step back from him without even thinking about it I watched him look at my legs raising a brow at my actions. For a minute I closed my eyes calming myself. I needed to keep my emotions in check.

"Don't let me disturb you on your stroll." He said.

For Serenity.

"You know even back home taking strolls alone always helped me clear my mind and helped me feel better- also really helped with writers block." I started looking at the flowers again. After realising what I just said I realised I might have come off as wanting to be alone and chasing him away. It's not as if he listened to anyone but I didn't want him to think I was against him being here. I was changing the narrative.

"-Lachlan I didn't-" I paused looking at the big dogs making their way towards us. My heart immediately sped up as flight or fight took over my senses before I knew it I was in his arms using him as a human shield. Running and fighting wasn't an option. The dogs were so big.

What did surprise me was the fact that he didn't even stumble when I threw myself at him, I thought I would have at least caught him off guard but he didn't even budge but only made sure I wouldn't fall by helping me find balance. He didn't let go, I didn't want to admit it but I felt better this way.

"Lachlan why are they on this side of the house I thought they had their own space." I asked panicking holding onto him as I watched the dogs now not far from us. They weren't full on running but they were running at a controlled pace towards our direction. All I could picture was blood all over their mouths as they chewed into human flesh, I gulped and tried to get a grip of myself because I knew sooner or later I would climb him judging by the the way I held onto him. If it was up to me I wouldn't even be on my feet right now.

"They do." Was all he said tightening his hands around me making me stop freaking out in his arms. I stood still my hands on his around his neck I had placed them there because I was ready to jump on him if they got any closer and I wasn't even joking.

"They won't hurt you." He said looking down at me because of our height difference as I fussed in his arms trying to calm me down. It didn't help. They were huge and looked like they would eat me.

"I saw them eat a person Lachlan!" I said emphasising every word in panic. I felt like he didn't understand the urgency of the situation. I could see that he found this situation amusing, he then strategically made a sound causing the dogs to sit and look at him. They looked even more terrifying now because they were so close, awaiting instructions. One of them had a scar running from the top of his left eye to the bottom, I almost felt sorry for him but I couldn't stop the image of him eating people.

The Irish's Sanity Where stories live. Discover now