Chapter 40 // The End

Start from the beginning

"You're my roommate?" I asked.

"Wait. You're in 319 too?" I nodded, causing her to squeal. "Yay! We're going to be great friends! And roommates of course." I smiled as I held open the door for her. She mumbled a thanks and starting unloading the cart. "So what's your name?"

"Daniela. Daniela Gray. You?"

"Evie Hamberland." She smiled. Evie was pretty. Her hair was dirty blonde. It was dark enough for her to be called a brunette. Her eyes were a light brown. While her skin was flawless and tan. "What are you majoring in?" I asked her to break the silence.

"I don't know yet, but I want to either go into animal training or vet." She replied, moving her bags to her bed. "How about you?"


"Cool." She started unpacking. "So where did you come from?"

"Sydney." I said, causing her to chuckle.

"I came from Perth."



"What made you come to this side of Australia?"

"I was tried of living in Perth. I've been there my whole life. It gets boring after a while. I like change."

"So how old are you?"

"19. You?"

"Just turned 18." I replied. We kept asking each other questions until we finished unpacking. I took the school papers off the dresser to read them in my bed. I skimmed through them but was interrupted by the room's phone. I got up to answer it. "Hello?"

"Is this room 319?" A female voice answered.


"There is a freshman meeting in the main building's auditorium. It is not mandatory but it is recommended."

"Great, thanks." I replied, hanging up right after.

"There's a freshman meeting, you wanna go?" I asked Evie.

"Sure! Let me get my bag." She dug into her suitcase and pulled out her small purse. She put her phone and wallet in there. "Ready." We walked to the main building, seeing a bunch of what we assumed as freshmen. Evie linked her arm in mine as we walked in. The line to get into the auditorium was really long. To find a seat was even worse. Evie and I looked around. While I was looking around, I saw a familiar head of hair. The person was about to turn around but Evie pulled me to a row of seats. "Here are two seats." We sat down in the empty seats. I tried to find the person from before. "So what do you think they're going to tell us?" Evie said, trying to make conversation. "Probably to show us a slideshow of what you can do here." Before Evie could reply, the lights dimmed. A black screen came up onto the projection screen. Just as I suspected, a video began. "Here at University of Sydney, there are many clubs and sports to join." A teenage guy's voice over spoke. Pictures of former or current students playing sports appeared on the screen. Other voiceovers were heard. Evie was pretty interested; I on the other hand didn't really care. The video ended, causing the auditorium to applaud. "Hopefully your years here at University of Sydney are great and unforgettable." The head principal said. We were all excused after that, so Evie planned to go to the restaurants hat were on campus. The students evacuated the auditorium, causing it take forever to leave. Once we were outside, I saw the same person I was looking for in there. I guess I was staring for too long, because Evie snapped her fingers in front of my face. "Look at you checking that guy out. You should go talk to him."

"I think I know him."


"I think he's my ex-boyfriend. But it couldn't be." 

Smart // Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now