Chapter 10 The North Pole

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They both ran back into the main coach. Roxas and Hayner were both looking out the window. "No way this is the Noth Pole," Roxas said. "This shits an entire city," Hayner said. Sora sat next to them. Poor Hayner got startled. "AHH!" He screeched. Grabbing Roxas by accident. "Dude... Geez," Roxas said to Hayner, just after kissing his cheek because he was close to him. And that made Hayner blush extremely. And Sora had to laugh loudly at that. Hayner just pouted, crossing his arms. "Sora, do you see this place?" Roxas said pointing outside. "Yeah! It's huge right?!"

"It can't be the North Pole, can it?"

Sora nodded. "It is! The Conductor said it is,"

Roxas looked back at the window. "The Gem has to be in there, if not the train,"

"Great, how are we gonna find a gem in an entire Town like that?" Hayner asked. "Don't worry, we will," Roxas said. As they inched closer to the land where Santa lives, one of the kids asked the Conductor something. "Where are the elves?"

"Yeah, where are they?" Another asked. "I don't see any," One more said.

"Well, The ones back home didn't stay outside in the freezing cold," Hayner whispered to Roxas. Roxas nodded. "Yeah, they stayed inside to make toys and stuff,"

"They are gathering in the center of the city," The Conductor responded to the kids. "That is where Santa will give the first gift of Christmas,"

"First gift?" Sora whispered to Sora and Roxas. "Better give me the Gem," Hayner whispered, but Roxas elbowed him in the arm. "Ow!"

"Who gets the first gift of Christmas?" The kid in the yellow pajamas asked. The Conductor looked at everyone. "He'll choose one of you-"

As they chugged along the lines... It looks like they came up to the center of the city. "Look! The elves!" One of the kids exclaimed.

Right outside had the elves of the North Pole, marching alongside the train. Not one, not two, but possibly thousands of elves.

"Holy Mother of-" Sora gasped. "T-That's a lot of elves..." Roxas said blinking. "What is that, over a million?!" Hayner exclaimed. The train was slowing down now until it stopped at the foot of a really, really huge Christmas Tree, that looked over the town, with a very bright shining star at the top.

Once they stopped, the Conductor allowed everyone to leave the train. "Alright, two columns if you please, shorter in the front, taller in the rear,"

Hayner sighed. "Great I have to be behind everyone,"

Roxas giggled. "No one's fault that you're tall,"

As Sora, came off with Tom and Holly behind him, Sora saw Holly walking up to the Conductor. "Um... Excuse me... what about him?" She pointed to the caboose.

It turns out the boy who was alone in the caboose car, didn't leave. "Well, no one is required to see Santa," That was all he said, and went back to guide the rest of the kids. She looked over at Sora and Tom. "Come on," She said to both of them, walking over to the car.

Tom looked at Sora. Sora shrugged, so, Tom followed her, and Sora followed him.

"Where are you going now?" Roxas asked. "Like geez, can you stay with us for one minute?" Hayner asked.

"Don't worry, I'm not going far," Sora said. Sora was right behind Tom, and Tom jumped up onto the steps of the caboose, but his foot hit something, and he tripped. His foot also pushed something down. But, he didn't notice. Neither did Sora. Sora just saw when he tripped, and caught him, hosting him up onto the caboose. "Phew, thanks Sora," Tom thanked him.

Sora nodded, then walked up once Tom was in.

Holly, who was inside, ran up to the kid. "Hey... You have to come with us," She said to him.

The kid just looked at them, then back down. "The holidays just don't work out for me. They... Never do,"

"But why not?" Holly asked. The kid just shook his head. "They just never do,"

"Look," Tom said. "I... Don't know if today would be different, but don't stay here by yourself, you got us to keep you company out there, it'll be fun," He said. Sora nodded. "Right! You'd feel terrible just setting here by yourself while everyone is having fun,"

Holly nodded. "Yes come with us, we'll all go together. All 5 of us,"

The kid looked like he was thinking about it, but then he looked at Sora. "Why... Do you look like the main character in my Manga-"

All Tom did, was had to giggle at that. "Well, that's what I asked him earlier,"

Sora just playfully rolled his eyes. It looked like the boy was about to get up, to go with them, but then the caboose car shook. "Woah, what's going on?!" Sora asked. Tom lost his balance and grabbed onto Holly. Then the lights flickered, then shut off.

"What's going on?" Holly asked. Then it felt like the car was rocking like it was moving. Tom ran to the end and opened the door, that would connect to the car, only to see that the caboose was leaving the entire train behind. "Holy shi- Guy's! We got a problem!"

"What happened?" Sora asked once he saw Tom running back to the other end, he opened the patio door. "Ok! This... Is gonna be fine-"

"Why? What's going-" Then Sora saw that they were starting to pick up speed. "Wait... did we disconnect from the train?!"

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