Chapter 6 Downtime

En başından başla

Atra: Kudelia.

Kudelia: Oh.

Mikazuki: What are you doing?

Kudelia: I just discussed what we should do from here on with the boss and others.

Nhazul: That so?

Kudelia: Why didn't either of you participate?

Nhazul: Eh. I just didn't want to.

Mikazuki: I don't like dealing with difficult things. I wouldn't understand it anyway.

Kudelia: But...

Kudelia then noticed their bags.

Kudelia: What are those?

Nhazul: Oh, lunches for the others. We decided to help out Atra.

Kudelia: I see... C-Can I help you as well?

Mikazuki: I don't see why not.

As the four of them went around delivering lunches to the others, they started to take the elevator to the lower levels.

(A/N) Nhazul's height is 5'7

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(A/N) Nhazul's height is 5'7

Atra: So, we're going to that Teiwaz person?

Nhazul: I'm pretty sure they're a company, right?

Kudelia: Yes, but... There's no one to mediate, so it's not going to be so easy.

Mikuzuki: I see.

Kudelia: I see? Are you not interested? It's very important.

Nhazul: Eh, I'll get Orga to summarize it later.

Mikazuki: No need. Orga will make sure everything is fine. I don't know why you're going to Earth in the first place.

Atra looked surprised when Earth was brought up.

Atra: What?! We're going to Earth?!

Nhazul: I thought I told you already.

Atra: Y-You didn't...! But what should I do...? I don't have any fashionable clothes...

Nhazul: What's wrong with what you have? You always look nice in it.

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