"En. It's fine..."

"I don't agree!" The old madame had been coveting the authority over the manor for a long time now. How could she just let this opportunity go? But before her agreement could be voiced, Liu Shuhan immediately interrupted.

"You don't agree?" the old madame turned to face her with a gaze filled with sternness. Don't tell her that the old madame couldn't see the matter of the bandits had the Liu Family's hand in it. They first kidnapped the young prince Duanyu and then would rescue the young master alongside Shen Liang. Liu Wenjin would then be considered to have achieved great merits and the Elder Princess's Manor would be indebted to the Liu Family. By then, not even the entire Family would be able to restrain and suppress the sister-brother pair, much less her. What a good plan, indeed!

Aware that she had allowed her emotions to get the better of her, Liu Shuhan gritted her teeth. After forcing her emotions to calm down, Liu Shuhan finally stated, "Mother, I am the Marquis Donglin Manor's madame. Xiao Wu is also the legitimate of the main family. Now that something has happened with his courtyard and this matter has been left for second and third sister-in-law to handle, if this was to spread, how would the public view our Marquis Donglin Manor?"

On the surface, Shen Zhao and Shen Lu would only be handling investigating this matter. It didn't mean much. But the moment they intrude on this matter, even if she was innocent, they would find a way to plant evidence on her. Once the title of a stepmother who couldn't tolerate the original madame's son and used underhanded means to bully the heir was given to her, how would she ever be able to take charge as the madame ever again?

If the old madame took matters over now, then it was as good as settled that her authority would have a new master. Even when this reaches Shen Ruiting's ears, there would be no room for change then.

The little b*stard actually had such designs!

Liu Shuhan hated that she couldn't tear him apart right on the spot. But right now, her greatest opponent wasn't Shen Liang, but rather the old madame and those from the second and third family.

The old madame passed her a stern gaze. She scowled unceremoniously and scolded, "So you are aware that you're the madame? You can't even handle the matters in the Marquis Manor well and have the heart to worry about your maiden family. If you can't rest assured about your other family, perhaps this old lady should find the eldest to divorce you and return you to your home?"

Shen Liang had already planted the seeds for them. If they still couldn't seize the opportunity, then they could only blame themselves for being too dumb.

"Auntie!" seeing this, Liu Shuhan couldn't help but exclaim. *Recallthat the old madame is both Liu Shuhan's aunt and mother-in-law.*

The old madame did give her the opportunity to speak anymore, "This matter has been settled. If you are dissatisfied with the results, you can go find Shen Ruiting and have him come find this old lady himself."

"Zhao Lan, Lu Yang, since Xiao Wu trusts the two of you, the two of you will investigate this matter well for him. The perpetrator must be rooted out. Xiao Wu's courtyard must be refurbished and the furniture and belongings that have been ruined will be replaced with new ones. If there aren't any the manor has readily available, then new ones will be ordered. This old lady is tired and will retire first," the lod lady gave her orders swiftly and resolutely. She turned around and left with the old nanny who accompanies her.

"Mother, safe return," Zhao Lan and Lu Yang sent the old lady out with excitement and a wide smile plastered on her face. As for Liu Shuhan, she found herself unable to conceal her disgust as she looked at Shen Liang, "Xiao Wu, I really underestimated you."

If she hadn't, would she have been reduced to such a state?

"This is only the beginning. I'm a very stingy person and I hold grudges. What the madame has inflicted on me, my elder brother, and even my dad, I will return, one by one, to your family of three."

As there were no more outsiders, Shen Liang was also too lazy to keep up his pretenses. The hatred and resentment were suddenly clearly displayed in his eyes.

"We'll watch and see," pulling on her impulsive daughter, Liu Shuhan gave the master-servant group of three one final glance before turning and leaving with their entourage. 

"Pei! She deserves it!" Qi Xuan fiercely spitted at the gate of the courtyard where Liu Shuhan and her entourage had just left. Qi Yue sees this and could only shake her head helplessly.

"Even if the old madame and those from the second and third family are unable to take her authority away from her, when this matter spreads around Imperial City, her reputation would undoubtedly suffer. Liangliang, we finally made her pay."

"This courtyard wasn't ruined by Liu Shuhan's orders."

"Huh?" Qi Yue and Qi Xuan turned to look at him with shock, but Shen Liang only smiled and didn't provide an explanation. There was nothing to explain. Liu Shuhan had been scheming in the Marquis Manor against many for over two decades now. This sort of low-level method and attack wasn't her style. If he was correct, then this had either Shen Qiao or Shen Qiang's signature in it. Moreover, regardless of whoever it was, neither of them told their mothers about it. However, from the very beginning, Shen Liang was never interested in finding the perpetrator. Utilizing the authority over matters in the Marquis Manor as the lure, Liu Shuhan and the old madame would be occupied with battling each other for many days to come in the future. This was the result he wanted. 

Rebirth of Poisoned Empress, by 颜若优雅Where stories live. Discover now