"I'm his wife."

Time stopped as I stared up at him.

This wasn't happening.

"What?" I whispered so quietly I was almost positive Ben couldn't even hear me, even though he was standing so close.

"Fuck you, Ben." The woman said, raising her voice.

He closed his eyes as he let me go and turned towards the woman. "Layne. Please."

I started backing away from Ben when I accidentally bumped into someone. I shifted uncomfortably, noticing a few people walking in and out of the apartment building and the few that had stopped to see what was going on. That's when I saw the paparazzi sitting on the street, taking pictures.


"Layne, was it? Let's go into my apartment and talk about whatever the hell this is. Please."

"I have nothing else left to say." She said, glaring at Ben.

She handed me the paper she had in her hand. It was a picture of Ben and I at the restaurant a few nights ago in Jamaica, holding me close as we kissed.

"Well I do. Please, come inside."

I walked into the lobby. I wasn't sure if they were following me but I didn't want to have this conversation for all to see.

I got on the elevator and turned around to see this girl being escorted into the elevator by a pissed off Ben.

Layne smacked Ben hard across the face once he let go of her arm. "I hate you. You fucking piece of shit."


"No!" She started crying again.

The elevator doors opened and I got out as fast as possible, dragging the cart along with me.

I opened my apartment door and Layne punched Ben in the face this time.

"I guess I deserved that." He said, holding the side of his jaw.

Layne started laughing. "All those excuses. I'm working, I can't talk. I'm working and I can't come home. I knew it! I knew you were cheating on me and you lied and swore you weren't." She turned her head towards me. Her eyes were puffy, I could tell she had been crying for a while and my heart broke for her. "How long have you and my husband been together?"

Ben said something but I ignored him. "Nine months but I met him a little over a year ago."

She looked completely broken.

Ben stepped up to her, "Layne. You and I have been trying for so long. All we did was fight."

"You're the one that said you wanted to make this work between us. What about our son? What about the baby?"

I looked down and saw she was indeed pregnant as she rubbed her stomach.

He sighed.

"How far along are you?"

"Four months. I'm assuming by the confused look he didn't tell you about me or our family"

I shook my head. I turned around, went into the kitchen and poured myself a glass of wine while the two screamed back and forth at one another.

I was on my second glass of wine when she stormed out of the apartment.

I didn't move, I didn't even look to see if Ben was still here and poured myself another glass.


Looking out of the corner of my eye, I saw Ben standing there. I took a big sip before setting my glass back down.


"Get out of my apartment."


I snapped my head towards him. "You don't get to call me that anymore. Grab your bags and get the fuck out of my apartment, Ben. You had your fun with me... now go home to your wife."

"You don't understand."

"I understand plenty. I heard everything, babe."

"I don't love her anymore. I love you."

"Hmm... What about your son?"

He closed his eyes, "That's why I was going home. To tell her we're going to proceed with the divorce and I was going to get custody and figure out everything before I told you."

He tried putting his hand on my arm but I pulled away.

"I'd never cheat on you, Nora. I love you so much, you have to believe me."

I raised my eyebrow and turned towards him again. "I'm not a mathematician, but we've been together for a good nine months and your wife is four months pregnant. Explain that one to me."

He just stared at me.

"I would have probably been able to get over you having a wife and a child... maybe. I don't know what went on between the two of you so I would have at least listened."


"Shut up and fucking listen to me. You already cheated. You fucked me while fucking your wife probably ever single time you went back to Chicago. Then there's the fact that you haven't been there for your son, which makes me question so much about you. I can't even look at you. Get the fuck out of my apartment before I punch you too."

"Nora. I love you."

"GET OUT!" I got up and pushed him back. "Get out. Leave. I need to be alone right now."

I grabbed his bags off the cart, opened my door and threw his bags out. I looked down as we walked up to me.

"This isn't over, Nora. I'll give you space but I'm going to fight for us."

I waited until he was out and I slammed my door shut. Locking it and then I buzzed downstairs on the intercom.

"Ms. Nora?"

"My ex, Ben, is coming down. Please make sure he leaves. He's no longer welcome here. I'd also like my locks changed as soon as possible."

"Understood. Are you alright?"

Swallowing hard, I wiped the tear from my eye and nodded as if he could see me. "I'm fine. Thank you."

I hung up and went back over to the kitchen to get my wine. My stomach was in knots and I felt like someone just stabbed me in my heart.

I can't even imagine what Layne is feeling.

I tried taking a drink but I was finding it hard to breathe.

I set my drink back down and stared at my glass. How could he do this to us? To Layne? To his son?

I let out an angry scream. Swiping the glass off my kitchen island, shattering it. I ran my shaking hand through my hair as I slowly lowered myself to the floor and cried because that was all I could physically do right now.

*I hope everyone is enjoying the book so far*

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