Ch 44: Unwanted Guests

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I backed away, walking out of the park. I took my phone out to call Dick, it hadn't rung for a few seconds before he picked up. 

"Meet us at this address" he said. 

"Oh, okay" I said. 

I hung up the call, clicking on the address he sent. I closed my eyes, teleporting to the address. I tapped the side of my head as my suit appeared on my body. I walked in, looking around before going to find the team. 

I heard chains clanking as I upped my pace. I saw bodies hanging from the ceiling as Tim and Gar took one of the bodies off. I turned around hearing Rachel yell out. I instantly started running towards her as Dick followed. I found her standing with her hand up as a man screamed out in pain while on fire. I put my hand on her shoulder as she jerked away. 

"Hey" I whispered. 

"He did that to himself" she said. 

I looked at Dick as the man turned into ash. 

"I didn't do that to him. He did it to himself" she said. 

"Rach, I know" I said. 

She twisted her head, taking a few steps ahead of us. 

"What's wrong?" Dick asked. 

"Um.. for a second, I felt.. something or someone" she said. "It's gone now."

She walked away as Dick looked at what remained from the ash. I grabbed his hand, pulling him back. 

"What the fuck is this place" I said. 

"I don't know" he said. 

After getting Conner back we decided it was best to leave Metropolis all together. I knew I'd eventually be back but Conner vowed to never return. I didn't blame him, after all he was arrested for a murder he did not commit. 

I sat in the passenger seat, watching America smile and laugh with the others. I was happy she was able to enjoy being a kid for once instead of living a life on the run. She truly looked happy, and she felt that way too. 

"So" Dick said. 

"So, what?" I asked. 

"We going to talk about your potential arrest?" He said. 

I sighed, turning to look at him. 

"I've gathered my counsel" I said. "I'm just waiting for them to show up."

"You're going to let them arrest you?" He said. 

"I don't have a choice, Dick. If I fight it only makes me look more guilty. They've already turned Billy against me, my own brother" I said. 

I got a whiff of magic as I turned to look at the road. 

"Why is it never easy to leave this town?" Dick said. 

"We both know why" I said. 

The RV came to a halt as I stood up. A woman stood in the center of there road with a staff in hand. 

"She killed Lex" Rachel said. 

"Are you certain?" Dick said. 

"It's not over till we stop her" she said. 

"Then let's finish this" Kory said. 

"Suit up" Dick said. 

Everyone walked off the RV except for Rachel and I. I grabbed her hand before she walked towards the stairs. 

"You're scared" I said. "I'll protect you."

"I-" she said. 

"It's okay" I said. 

We got off the RV together as Conner was thrown in the air by a red blasts of sorts. Rachel got on top of a car as I tried to stop her. The staff looked as if it was draining her magic. I tapped the side of my head before walking towards the woman. 

Dick was on the ground when red lightning began electrocuting everyone. I yelled out in pain before my hands began to glow. I broke free from the lightning, holding my hand out as a green beam left it. She countered it with one of her own that was red and black. I pushed further as an explosion went off. I fell to the ground, catching my breath as Dick ran over. He helped me up as I cracked my neck. 

"I'm fine, Dick" I said. 

We ran over to Rachel who's hair was now white. 

"What happened to her?" Gar asked. 

I tilted my head, not sensing any magic in her body. My eyes went wide as everyone looked at me. 

Love in the Night | Dick GraysonHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin