Event: Halloween Haunt (part two)

Start from the beginning

"Um..." Deuce tentatively spoke up, "About that... She has been attending meetings. Ever since the third one."

There was a beat of silence.


Malleus folded his arms, a frown on his lips. Most would consider it a scowl, but it seemed more like a pout to Elle.
".......Apologies, Songstress. Though I must say, eluding me this long is markedly impressive, especially for a child of man such as yourself. Still, I was amiss. I will be more vigilant towards your whereabouts going forward."

"No, it's fine, honey. I don't mind. It's not that big a deal, anyway." She said with a wave of her hand. The others, who were still processing the fact there had been an extra person in their meetings for almost a full month, were even more shocked by the fact that not even Malleus had noticed her.

Azul pushed his glasses back up from where they had slipped down his nose. He took a deep breath, regaining what he could of his composure, before speaking.
"Ellinor, I was aware of your innate ability to blend into your surroundings, but this?"

"She's quite adept at sneaking around, isn't she?" Lilia praised. "To think not even I nor Malleus even noticed her presence for almost a month. She would be excellent in the role of a spy or an assassin."

"I would rather not murder anyone, thank you, Mr. Vanrouge." She deadpanned.

Kalim, the next to recover, dashed over to her, wrapping his arms around her and clinging tightly.
"Ellie, I'm so soooorrrrryyyy! I should have noticed you sooner!"

The girl chuckled, patting his arm a couple times. "It's no big deal, really." She managed to stop herself from saying she was used to it. That would probably just bring down the mood, even if it was true and didn't bother her at all. Instead, she shrugged, making sure to keep her tone light. "It's not like I was trying to be spotted, anyway." She gently unwrapped his arms from around her, holding his hands within her own, and looked him in the eyes. Kalim felt his heart skip. "In any case, you should head back to your seat now. We still have a meeting to go through, right?"

He blinked. "Oh! You're right!" He didn't want to leave her quite yet, though... "Hey, you should come with! You're part of the group too, right?" He beamed. Then they could stay together! It all worked out!

"Played him like a damn fiddle..." Idia marveled. He quickly moved past that though, because Kalim had just made a move, and he wasn't about to be outplayed by a casual. Grabbing his chance before any of the others realized it was even there, he waved her over.

"Yeah, come sit at the big kid table, or whatever. I've got a free spot over here." He could already feel the eyes burning into him. Normally, they would make him want to curl up into a ball or flee to the safety of his room, but now? Now all he felt was the sweet taste of victory. He would later look back and realize he was totally tunnel vision locked onto his goal, and probably should have thought things through a bit more. Something something Jurassic Park quote. Her eyes lit up before she tentatively shuffled over to him.

"Would it really be okay? You don't mind? I wouldn't want to take up any of your space..." He held back a smirk. All according to keikaku.

"Nah, you're cool. It's not like there's any room near anybody else, anyway." And the best part was that he was correct. Everyone else was practically sandwiched in between their other dorm members or their friends. The only exceptions would be Azul and Lilia, but the spot by Lilia was reserved for Malleus (Who was still standing in the doorway looking lost, which, mood), and the open spot next to Azul was also next to him. See, Ortho? There are benefits to being antisocial! He had the only two open spots on either side of him. Game, set, and match.

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