💖 Kyuhyun- Super Junior 💖

Start from the beginning

Kyuhyun and I have been dating in secret for the last couple of months and it's going really well I would say. We are enjoying dating and spending time together and getting to know each other a lot better. We are keeping us a secret and not letting anyone know because of our age difference and Kyuhyun is an idol too even though he has dated in the past but not for a while. I work at the coffee shop just right by the SM studio so quite a lot of the idols go there so we don't want them to find out that Kyuhyun and I are dating as it's between us for now and that's the way we want it. I guess it doesn't matter about our age difference. We really like each other and that's all matters. Kyuhyun and I could grow to love each other in time I'm sure we can. Kyuhyun and I are going for noodles at a takeaway place by the beach and then we are going for a nice romantic evening stroll. Can't wait for that. Our nice little romantic date and stroll together. It will be amazing I'm sure it will. I came home after work to shower and get ready for our date and now I'm nearly ready for mine and Kyunhyun's date. I'm meeting him at the noodle place now that I'm ready I can go and meet him. I love the beach. Even when it's colder. Reminds me of my childhood which I want to go back to sometimes. I wait outside the noodle place patiently for Kyuhyun to arrive. I see him arrive a few minutes later. "Hello, beautiful" he said. "Hello, handsome" I say. He smiles and pulls me in for a hug. "How's you?" he said. "Great" I smile. So Kyuhyun and I go inside and decide what we wanted to eat. "Hope you're okay with us coming here" Kyuhyun said. "I'm absolutely fine with eating here. It's nice. I'm easygoing and good with anywhere"'I reply. So Kyuhyun and I order what we wanted and waited for our meals to come. We just talked about things in general and our day too. We had a nice meal at the noodle place not far from the beach then we go and take our romantic stroll on the beach together hand in hand. "The sky looks nice" Kyuhyun said. "Yes but not as nice as you" I smile. "Katy, you're too sweet. I'm so luck to have you in my life" he said. "Well I'm so lucky to have you in my life too. You know that" I say. "We are lucky to have each other" Kyuhyun said. "Indeed indeed. If I didn't work in the coffee shop by the SM studio, our paths wouldn't have crossed" I say. "That's right and I loved to keep on going to your coffee shop. The coffee is  great but I also liked seeing you too" he says. I smile. So we walk further along the pier by the beach and stood by the railings. We face each other and then share a romantic moment and kiss and take pictures. Kyuhyun was so cute as he kept on saying how lucky he is to have me and I found that super cute. Can't wait for more happy and romantic times like this together

Kyuhyun and I have been together for about 6 months now. We told people about our relationship when things started to get a bit more serious between us and we were talking about the future together. Kyuhyun asked me to marry him recently and I accepted of course. I said yes to marrying him and we can't wait for our wedding even though it's ages away. He said he knew I was the one since the start and he wanted to put a ring on it. We have been engaged for a few weeks now. We are not planning our wedding just yet. People are accepting of our relationship despite our age difference. Kyuhyun and I are going out for dinner with the other Super Junior members tonight and we are going to announce our engagement. I will wear my ring for the first time hoping they don't notice it before we tell them. Kyuhyun and I are getting ready at his place before we both go to the restaurant together to meet the guys. "I'm excited to tell my members I'm engaged to the just wonderful woman I've met" Kyuhyun said. "Yes me too but I'm not the most wonderful woman you've met. Not as wonderful as your mom or grandma" I reply. "You are very wonderful and amazing, Katy without a doubt. That's why I love you and asked you to marry me" he smiles kissing my forehead. So Kyuhyun and I leave and arrive at the restaurant in time. We were arriving the same time as the guys were. We greeted them with smiles and laughter. We obviously don't mention about our engagement straight away or even before we eat. We are going to mention it after. Waiting until everyone has eaten. Appetisers came and we tucked in before mains. The food is really good here. I've never been before but it's really good. We are going to tell them now we think. "That was so good. I really enjoyed it but I'm stuffed now" I say. "Yep me too. I'm in agreement with you" Yesung said. "Guys, me and Katy have something we would like to share with you" Kyuhyun said. "Okay sure. Share" Siwon said. "Are you guys moving too fast and starting a family?" Eunhyuk said. "No no not yet. Something else comes first" I reply. Kyuhyun whispers in my ear that he's going to tell them. "Recently I asked Katy to marry me and she said yes so we are engaged. We are getting married, guys" Kyuhyun said. They all looked shocked and surprised. "Wow! Congratulations. That's pretty amazing" Ryeowook said. "I'm so happy. I knew Kyuhyun was the one since the start and we are getting married" I say. "Baby I'm so happy for us" Kyuhyun said. "Me too, baby" I say. "There is going to be a wedding and I can't wait to be best man" Donghae said. "We will all be best men. Not just you" Shindong said. "Can't wait for the wedding" Heechul smiled. So Kyuhyun and I broke our engagement news to his bandmates and they are all very happy for us. Can't wait to get married whenever that will be. We are proving age difference is just a number

A/ N: Hope you liked it again Katy. It's not often I write SUJU imagines and they are kinda legends in Kpop. Siwon has always been my bias. Kyuhyun is a youthful looking Maknae. I liked writing this imagine. Request more if you would like

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