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You slowly searched the entire house but it looked as if Michael had disappeared out into the gray night

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You slowly searched the entire house but it looked as if Michael had disappeared out into the gray night.

You found your phone on the kitchen table, so you grabbed it and dialed Caitlyn.

"Is she picking up?" Mason asked while dressing his wound.

You shook your head while you waited for her to answer but she didn't.

"I don't know if she's okay. She's not answering!" you yelled.

You heard the sirens of the ambulance and the cops but they passed your house and went to your neighbor's house.

"Were they supposed to come here?" Mason asked but you shrugged your shoulders.

"I don't know."

You ran outside to see what had happened but screamed when you saw Chrissy's body slaughtered right outside your door.

A few ambulances came to assist you and Mason.

"Holy shit. What happened here?" a police officer asked, looking at the dead body.

You didn't answer, instead, you let your eyes wander to the stretchers that carried dead people.

Mrs. Brown?

"What happened there?" you inquired.

"Looks like a murderer is wandering free on the streets of Haddonfield, ma'am. Three teenagers were murdered down the street, a couple found dead in their home, and the old lady from the house next door."

"And all of this happened when?"

"Now," the officer answers while settling his fingers into his belt loops.

No way! This means that the reason that Michael had spared your life was not that he was injured but because of something else.

While you were trying to figure out the reason, your phone rang and it was Caitlyn.

"Who is it?" Mason asked.

"It's Caitlyn."

Bringing the phone to your ears, you heard heavy breathing coming from the other side.

"Hello. Caitlyn?"

"Hello. I think he is in my house! He is in my house, y/n," she whisper-yelled.

You gasped. "Stay wherever you are. Listen to me. Don't come out, I'm bringing help right now," you shrieked back into the phone before turning around to face the officer.

"Sir, I think the murderer is at my friend's house. She needs help, she's in trouble."

The officer nodded his head and agreed when you asked him if you could go with him and show him the house.

I hope you're okay Caitlyn, you hoped before the vehicle stopped outside of your friend's house.

You then got a message from her.

THE INEVITABLE MICHAEL MYERS (Michael Myers X reader) Where stories live. Discover now