Chapter 03: Ready, get set, start!

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(Taehyung's P.O.V)

I have always been a bit distant from Sojin. She has been my crush ever since school started. But she was always surrounded by people. I never had the chance to talk to her.

But today, I spontaneously bumped into her. I have never been that close to her in my whole life.

And now I'm attached to her.

I'd do anything to make her like me! But then today, Baekhyun told me he knows a way to get Sojin to like me. He asked me to meet him tomorrow after school.

(Jimin's P.O.V)

Yesterday was boring!! Math homework was hard, but I managed to do it. But now, it's a new day.

I wonder when something exciting will happen. I can still be bored.

While I was walking to school, I was wearing my headphones and listening to music.

Before I entered the school, I stopped outside and turned on my phone's camera to check my reflection. A week ago, I decided to dye my hair blonde. I honestly think I look great with blonde hair.

I shoved my phone into my backpack, and then I walked into school.

After a few minutes, my best friend came. "Hey, JK," I said. "Hey, hyung... have you heard that we might be doing a big project in science class sometime this week?"

"Jinja? We are?"

He nodded. "With partners, too."

"I hope we can pick!"

The day went by quickly even though it was a Tuesday. I don't know why, but I'm always staring at the girl whose locker is near mine. I can't see her face, and I don't know who it is.

I also saw her going with Baekhyun after school. I wonder what mischief he'll cause. Everyone knows he is almost never up to any good. I sighed. I wonder what he's doing this time.

But I do know I should stop focusing on the girl because I have other things to do.

When I got home, I did all my homework except for reading. I'll do that later.

I plopped onto my bed, and I was on YouTube just watching dancing videos. I really want to learn some! Maybe one of the dances from Super Junior or SNSD? Their dances are really cool.

I felt my phone buzz in my hands as I got a text from Jungkook.

JK: Hey hyung

Jimin: Annyeong

JK: Wyd?

Jimin: YouTube


JK: Meh, bored

That's why I texted you

Jimin: Why don't you eat or something

Also you told me to remind you to buy banana milk

JK: OH! THANK YOU. I will buy some right now


Jimin: Alright bye

I went back to YouTube and I just watched random stuff that popped onto my home screen.

I then yawned. I'm kind of tired. I connected my charger to my phone, put it away, and hugged my pillow as my eyes got heavier. I could use a little nap...

(Minah's P.O.V)

"Wait, Minah-where are you going?" Hyeri asked me. I sighed. "Well, Baekhyun asked me to meet him after school today," I explained. She scoffed. "Why do you even hang out with that troublemaker?" she asked.

LOVE GAME [BTS, GIRL'S DAY, EXO FF]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن