You were 14 And Now You're 21

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You never thought you'd make it past 14

And now you're 21

Such the life you lived

With no plan beforehand

Cause you decided to end it at the ripe age of 14

But you couldn't quite go through with it as you felt yourself slip

Here you are embarking on your new journey

Finding love unexpectedly

You lived !

You experienced serenity and rowdiness

Calm days and crazy nights

What would it have been if your days stopped that night

Dreadful on your prayer mat

Crying to your Lord above

Asking for forgiveness on what you were about to do

They told you everyone would be better off if you were dead

It wasn't enough for them when you stopped speaking

They needed to cut your breath out of your damaged lungs

Heaven sent its strongest angels to sing you to sleep

Carried you from the ground and closed your lids with a lullaby

As the sun rose you opened up your eyes

To find yourself with a heartbeat and tucked in nice

All the tears that stained your mat became your reminder

That you shall live to see another day

For your life is not yours to interfere with its ending

You were entrusted with this soul to take care of and nurture

But as everything in this life it goes back to its true owner

Returning it on your own terms is quite rude

To the one that generously granted it to you

It's all called "borrowing what rightfully isn't mine"

He'll take it whenever he chooses

All you have to do is show it kindness

It's scary to think that all of these memories that live rent-free in your head

Wouldn't have taken place if that night you became nonexistent

You had your fair share of red people the ones that burn with the drive to live

Oranges were motivated by endless bounds to thrive

Everyone knows a yellow field of sunflowers in their life

Greens have always managed to be persistent to do more than just survive

Blues are the ones I resonate with, willing to take the first dive

And purples on their foot to make their mark in this world and strive

My grey days were showered with color

Each one had its own impact on the way I view the world

In the mirror, how I see myself change with the days

I watched myself get washed with hues of an ever bright rainbow

Now, without a plan beforehand and made it to 21

Do what you want and give it your best shot

Love who you love and some will break your heart

Don't worry you have your own support system to back you up

The one you wished for when you were younger

It's thrilling and terrifying, which makes it all worth the while

Trust me, you'll be okay

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