Meeting New Peeps or Nah

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"CHILDREN OF DA CANDYCORN COME DOWN PLEASE!" Slendy yelled. Everybody came down falling on the staircase.

"Owwwww..." Everybody said except Toby.

"So was up Slendy?" Toby asked getting up cracking his neck.

"Ur lucky u can't feel pain..." Mumbled Bella.

"I know ain't it awesome~?" Toby had sparkles in his eyes shining.

"Anyways children today your going to meet my brothers."


"Yes Ace Offendy is coming to." Slendy interrupted Ace.

"Nooooooooooooooo not da horror!" Ace started sobbing on Jeffs chest.

"There there Acey~" Jeff started rubbing Aces back.

"Don't worry kitty ur fabulous, sexiest hottest dude will protect yea~" Liu started petting on Aces head.

"H-e he-he wil-l ra-pe me-h."

"Or someone who likes doing it~" Dark whisper yelled.

"FUCK U DARK!" Ace grabbed Jeffs knife outta his pocket and tried to tackle him.

"Dark don't get Ace mad..."

"Aw but she's cute when she's mad~" Dark fake cried.

"Don't get meh started Dark!" Ace growled louder.

"Whoa whoa whoa whoa hey hey hey u two calm urself down.." Toby said holding Ace back.

"Toby let meh go so I can cut up dis homo!"


"OH FUCK NO NO NO!!! ITS CANDYMAN!!!" Ace bites Toby's hands and runs through da door running outside.

"Dude did she just bite meh!?"

"Yes Toby yes she just did." Bella said.

"She's scared of u?" E.J asked L.J.

"Yup she maybe a bad person at some points and innocent at a point she'll always be scared of meh."

"Heheh well well well I know dat sweeties weakness now~"

"CANDYZEBRADUDE don't ever do that again or you go to sleep." Jeff growled.

"Whatever joker." L.J stuck his tongue out at Jeff then Jeff tackle L.J then there was a fight.

"WHOO WHOO PARTY TIME BITCHES!" Dark dived in the fight.

"FOURSOME!!!" BEN dived in right after Dark.

"Ooooooo Cheesecake." Bella had a piece on a plate.

"Cheesecake." Masky and Hoodie looked at Bella.

"Mine." Bella glared at them.

"CHEESECAKE!!!" Ace comes bursting out from da window snatching da cheesecake outta Bella's hands.

"HEY DAT WAS MINE!" Bella shouted.

"U DIDNT CALIM IT MISS PICKLE!!!" Ace ran into a corner eating da cheesecake.

"Miss dickle..." Masky mumbled.

"What did yea say?" Bella looked at Masky and glaring at him.

"Oh I said Miss dickle!" Masky repeated.

"Hosky!" Bella shouted.

"Hosky?" Masky said confused.

"Yea know Masky x Hoodie so Hosky." Bella then started laughing.

"BELLN!" The two masked boys yelled.

"MEANIES!" Bella threw a pickle at them then attack. Then there was another fight.

"MY PRECIOUS MY PERCIOUS!!!" Ace yelled running around da house doing a chewbaca voice.

"WAFFLES MY LOVE COME TO MEH!" Toby holds out his arms and a flying waffle goes in his mouth.


"IMAGINATION" Toby eyes sparkled and a rainbow above his head poof there.

"AWESOME AWESOME AWESOME!" Ace jump up and down very hyper.

"MY CHILDREN!" Slendy yells.

"NO THERE MY CHILDREN!" Bella starts kicking on Slendys legs.

"CHILDREN OF DA CANDYCORN CALM DOWN!" Slendy yells once again. Everybody went silenced and looked at Slendy.

"Wat u want Slendy? Ooooo is it KILLINGHAOSMOWBD" Ace had big bug eyes.

"Ooooo is it Fabulous time~?" Liu smiling with sparkles in his eyes while punching Dark in da face.

"No and No it's time to meet-" Slendy got interrupted by someone slam opening da door.

"Hey Ace! Hey Bella! Did yea miss ur good old buddy Waffles?" Ace looked at da person.

"Omg its u-u its da Waffleman."

"Where's da Waffleman?" Toby looking around for Waffleman.

"Right there." Ace moved Toby's face to see him.

"Long time no seek dair buddy, and guess who I brought~?"

"Please it better not be Offendy...or da kittens."

"Nope and nope. U two can come out now." The two males came out.

"Mwommy!" They both ran to Ace and tackle her.

"Mommy?" Everybody said except Waffleman.

"Well isn't it my favourite dudes!" I messed up both of there hairs.

"Ace who are they?" Toby asked still confused.

"Well for dat question there my friends" Ace smiled, then they get off of Ace.

"Mhm and she's our mwommy!" They both said at da same time.

"What's ur names?" Slendy asks.

"Oh I'm Vanoss." Vanoss waved at Slendy.

"And I'm Delirious." Delirious just wrap his arm around Vanoss.

"How did u guys get here?"

"Waffleman." Vanoss and Delirious pointed at Waffleman.

"Well no kinda...WAIT I HAVE A BAD FEELING!" Ace jumps up in fighting stand.

"Wat is it?" Jeff asked.

"Hey Slendy how's my lil bro~"


"Oh hello~"

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