The Double Date (Velvet & Pyrrha Side Story)

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Y/N and Percival were coming back from another day of training as they were holding each other up.

Y/N: I hate getting our butts kicked.

Percival: I hate getting kicked! How the hell is getting beaten suppose to help us!

Y/N and Percival soon made it to the cafeteria and saw their friends and teammates starting to eat. 

Lucy: Hey leader you finally made it.

Yuko: Percy, glad to see you join us.

The two soon took there seats and drop their heads to the table.

Eva: Failed again?

Y/N: Yes.

Ariel: Manage to get a hit in?

Percival: No.

Ursula: Will you be okay?

Y/N: Yes.

Percival: No.

Naomi: Are you going to eat?

Y/N and Percival: Yes.

The two soon got up and went in line to grab some food as the two grab there food Y/N bumped into someone as he was about to talk to Percival.

Y/N: Shit!

Velvet: Huh!

The two both dropped there food on the floor. And went to clean up the mess.

Y/N: Sorry!

Velvet: No, it's my fault.

The two soon looked at who they bumped into. 

Y/n: Hey your Velvet! 

Velvet: Yeah it's good to see you again. I never got to say thank you for helping me. 

As Y/N was picking up the remaining item that he and Velvet dropped Velvet talked to Y/N. 

Velvet: By the way are you busy today.

Y/N: No why?

Velvet: Well I thought it would be nice if I pay you back by taking you out somewhere.

Y/N: Sure. I don't mind.

Velvet's soon smiled from Y/N response.

Velvet: Okay then how about this weekend.

Y/N: Alright sure. 

 Soon the two got some new plates and finally received there food. Percival was soon waiting for Y/N and had a look of concern to his face.

Percival: I feel bad for you.

Y/N: Why?

Percival: I don't know man maybe it has something to do with the fact you accepted to go on date with another girl when you have like 7 girlfriends. I mean when they hear about this it's going to be a massacre. 

Y/N: It's not a date it's a meeting over dinner.

Percival soon stopped and think what Y/N said.

Percival: That's a date!

The two soon made it back to the table and sat down to eat. As they did that Y/N noticed Tsukasa coming to the cafeteria.

Y/N: Oh no.

Percival: What.

Y/N motioned Percival to look behind him and he then saw Tsukasa coming to them.

Percival: No! We already finished class with him why now.

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