"It's okay. It wouldn't have ended otherwise. Just live a good life."

She then released her grip on my head and brushed through my hair as she used to when we were younger. She leaned in, to whisper something in my ear, but the guards were there by now and pulled me away from her, before she could say something.

I was furious,. just throwing fists around, but since I had drained all of my Ki in the fight they contained me quite easily. I could see how they had tried to save her and how they ultimately failed.

I still see this moment in front of my inner eye. It was engraved in my brain. Her mouth moved, saying something I couldn't hear. A tear had rolled down her face, falling to the ground, only to mix with her blood. The way her eyes went empty and how her hand, that was still stretched toward me, fell to the ground.

After that I blacked out. I only remember waking up in my bed the next day, with guards standing on the other side of a locked door.

I hadn't been allowed to leave the room, which meant I couldn't even visit her funeral.

A wave of empathy washed over my brain, returning me to the present.

I could feel how the small dragon tried to say some words, but it seemed like she didn't find the words to express what she wanted to say.

'It's okay. It happened a long time ago,' I thought to her. While it had been a long time ago, I still get haunted from that night in my dreams. But that's nothing she had to worry about. I continued to tell my story, how I hunted down the responsibles and how I continued to avenge her and Willbecks death. As it turned out, the murder of Willbeck and my duel against Cecillia and her horrendous life after the discovery of her abilities were all done by the same group of people.

A group Vera was one of the heads of.

As time went by, I beheaded this group, in a literal and figurative sense.

That led me to my death and to my rebirth. I showed her the memories of me coming into this world, how my parents were and how my journey finally led to Sylvia.

I showed her my training with her, but then jumped from just before the explosion to me arriving here. She didn't have to see that.

She wondered why I did a jump, since I hadn't done that before, but after she felt what I felt about that moment she decided to not probe further. She knew I would show her later, if she wanted. Then I showed her the week I had spent here, again leaving out the look of the dying Sylvia.

Just as I was reaching the moment where she had hatched the door opened.

Agrona stood in the doorway, surprised to see someone inside.

"Hey Arthur. What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be resting for tomorrow?" he asked.

"Well, I was until .:" I was disrupted as Agronas view fell upon the small dragon in my arms.

"Is that?" he asked carefully, while coming closer.

"Yes, she's your daughter." I handed her to him, who carefully took her into his arms. While he started to stroke along her back. I could feel the comfort caused in her by these movements.


"Sylvia gave me a colorful stone before Cadell appeared. She covered it with one of her feathers and hid it inside my core. I hadn't known what it was, until it emerged today. Only as it began to crack did I realize that it was an egg."

"But how? Asuras only hatch if a person with the same blood is nearby..." He let out a laugh. "Of course.'' Through the combination of Sylvia's core and my blood you would certainly qualify for it."

That explained why she only hatched now. This had been the first time I had both used the blood and the core together.

"Has Sylvia already given her a name?" he asked, while looking at her with a proud and happy face. The smile he gave her reminded me of the smile my parents had given me. It was so full of love and care.

"No," I answered. "She really enjoys this by the way."

He looked at me, only to spot the mark on my wrist. "Oh, I see. Can you also talk to her?"

I nodded. "I can feel her emotions. She can also read my thoughts and memories."

He grew a bit pale. "Don't worry, I haven't shown her.. these moments."

His complexion returned. "Good, she doesn't need to see that. While it seems like you're bound to her, do you have a name?"

I was surprised. I was sure he would want to name her himself, but it seems like he was so happy right now.

I thought for a second.

"How about Sylvie?"

Agrona nodded. "That would be a beautiful name. Does she like it?"

I could feel strong agreement from her end, so I nodded.

"Sylvie it is then." He started to wander to his table to sit down and placed Sylvie on his lap. "Thank you for bringing her to me." He said to me, while continuously stroking Sylvies back. I just nodded. "She is your daughter, I have no right to keep her from you, even if I wanted to."

"Well, you are bound to her now. Normally a young asura binds itself to the mother, so she can teach the baby all the things the baby has to know. I guess this is your job now. Don't worry, I will help wherever I can, as well as teach her the asuran exclusive things. But talking, walking, mana manipulation and everything else is your part. It's much easier this way."

I nodded. If one had the memories of someone using mana, one would be much faster to understand mana manipulation oneself. This would catapult her experience forward.

I noticed how I suddenly felt sleepy. Well, it wasn't actually my tiredness, but Sylvies.

"Sylvie is pretty tired. The hatching cost a lot of her energy. I better take her to sleep. Or do you want her to sleep with you?" I asked.

"No, she should stay with you, since you're the only one she can talk to right now." He lifted her and handed her to me. She had already fallen asleep.

"You should also rest now. You have to get ready for tomorrow. After your talk with your parents Cadell will train you. You will need all the power you have, he isn't known for going easy on the people he trains."

I figured as much. I wished him a good night as well and left for my bed. Tomorrow is going to be an exciting day.


>1.8k words

I decided to change some things regarding Arthurs previous life. I hope you guys aren't mad.

Also thank you for taking this fic to #1 on the tbate tag here.

I will try to make the talk tomorrow, before I think of another thing to do first again.

I also need a proofreader again. You know how much I update, so if someone could take the time to read the chapter a bit before time and just point out some grammar mistakes and stuff like that, It would be greatly appreciated.


Alacryan ArthurWhere stories live. Discover now