4 - Unprofessional and Unfair

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In the following two weeks, you had more training than usual.

Even with your attempts to beg for help and mercy, Aizawa and Hizashi refused to help you. You would've thought they would at least give you tips on how to improve.

"Unprofessional and unfair my ass," you muttered to yourself as you headed to the waiting room.

The well-known sports festival. The mighty "surpassed the Olympics" festival. You knew this was gonna be the best and worst day ever.

You entered the waiting room all nervous. The others were talking and preparing for the festival. The rest were performing rituals. Totally nothing concerning.

Naturally, you sat beside Mina. She held your hand tightly. Too tight.

"Good luck out there," she said as her hand was shaking. She looked like she'd seen a good.

Kaminari did the same, so both of your hands were getting crushed.

"Guys, calm down. It's not like you're gonna die or anything," Bakugo shrugged in a calm demeanor, looking slightly irritated.

"Easy for you to say! You're one of the best in our class- no, the whole hero course!" Sero exclaimed.

Bakugo scoffed and rolled his eyes. "Come on, just because I'm awesome doesn't mean you guys aren't too. Get a grip and believe in yourselves, dammit."

Mina, Kaminari, and Sero's eyes were brought to tears. "Are you going soft on us?" They roared, on their knees in front of him.

"Stop that!" He scowled.

Kirishima chuckled and cleared his throat. "Anyways, why're you so late, Y/n?"

You tilted your head and tried to remember. You went to school early with Aizawa and Hizashi. You spend an awful lot of time chatting with Recovery Girl and passed out asleep in the clinic bed.

"I was busy," you lied, a bit guilty for slacking off and lying about it.

"Have you heard?" Mineta excused Kaminari, continuing what he was saying in whispers.

They both giggled like perverts, imaginary dark clouds forming around them from their evil thoughts.

Mina frowned.

You heard that Mineta isn't one to treat girls nicely. Fortunately, he hasn't said anything about you.

"Everybody form a line, please! The event is starting now!" Iida stiffly waved his hand as he instructed the class to form a line.

They all obliged and neatly walked through the halls.

"Everybody, are you ready?!" Hizashi's loud voice was even louder as it deafeningly echoed throughout the whole stadium.

"This is what I hear every morning," you joked to Sero, earning a light chuckle from him.

"First up, you all know who I'm talking about! The miraculous rising stars who brushed off a villain attack with their steely willpower!" Hizashi introduced your class with an exaggerated joyful voice.

You hung your head low, a bit embarrassed you weren't one of the people who fearlessly went against the villains.

"It's class 1-A!" He shouted, the roaring crowd making things way louder.

You guys emerged from the lengthy tunnel and entered the stadium. You blocked your eyes at the sudden brightness as you exited the dark hall.

"And a brand new addition! Embrace the new student of class 1-A, Y/n L/n! Most commonly known as the daughter of the former number 2 hero, Trance! There isn't a mask shielding her face from reporters this time!" He introduced you, the newly added addition to the crowd.

You hate me, don't you...? - Katsuki Bakugo x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now