I Miss You, Mom And Dad...

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I am longing to hear your sweet voice
And willing to hear your taunts
I am gonna die due to this distance, got no choice
Seeing you is a need now, not one of my wants

I know I am risking a lot in hopes of seeing you
Hide me in your arms, I am tired of suffering through
I hated it when you got replaced by a stupid Chinese crew

Beleive me, I am holding tight
Clogging up all my emotions
But longing to cry in your arms

I don't know if my choice is right
Can I trust this lady with potions
What if she traps me by her charms?

I miss you
Without you, I am incomplete
When you aren't in view
I feel my heart getting twisted on repeat

Without you, I don't wanna live
For our separation, life, I would never forgive
To get back to you, anything I am willing to give

Don't worry
I will come back
That too very soon

The path is blurry
I have lost track
But I will return someday with the moon

I am trying to get back, as much as I can
Making one after another stupid plan
But don't you worry mum and dad, I am still your man

This offer, my brain tells me to deny, but my heart says otherwise
My heart beggs to see you as my brain says the choice is not wise
My brain reasons as this love, my inner voices bluntly criticize

I am torn between these two
Is this a devil in angel's shoe?
Or is that voice speaking what's true?

I can't take it now
I am about to lose my mind
Life is just giving me lemons and lime

I don't know why or how
Your son have never been a mastermind
And oh...I am running out of time

I can't make an important decision this fast
I have learnt this from hundered regrets of past
I am gonna fumble, and then, cause a big blast

I don't care what I am signing to
I only know that I choose you

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