"Yep-Yep-Yep-Who is it?" Iruka awoke to find Sasuke with an irk mark on his forehead dragging a boy behind him.

"Iruka Sensei, I would like to personally request that Naruto Uzumaki, The Nine-Tails Jinchuuriki; be allowed to enter The Academy for Gifted Ninja's." Sasuke spoke calmly but sternly.


A billboard sporting the words Applications Available fell down and a second later, Iruka was on the floor and back up again, this time with a bump on his temple.

"Ouuuuuuchh. I really need to replace that sign." Iruka groaned in a cracked voice as he stood up.

Now Naruto saw this man in a full picture; a scar across his nose and tanned skin with a ponytail doubling back to his shoulders.

"Yeah, whuddayaawunt??" The brunette spoke with arms outstretched, yawning. It sounded like Iruka was still recovering from his slumber and the billboard, and just wishing that he could go back to his peaceful vacation in his mind that was getting spoiled by the second.

"Can Naruto go to the TAG-N?" Sasuke replied, this time a bit more viciously with a wicked smile on his face.

"Shhhhhuuuuuurreeeee. Heddbns' in box ovva there. Come to da acaaademy at 6:30AM. Just remember, you wear dem' only AFTER you fuffilll the rubric for b'comin' a genin." Iruka said drowsily, slumping back into his chair pointing to a box full of steel headbands stuck onto a metal covering with a leaf emblem.

Sasuke and Naruto each took one, dismissed themselves, and went back to the estate.

There, they didn't say a word and went straight to sleep as they knew they had a big day tomorrow.

(The next day)

"Now everybody, watch carefully. This is called the Shadow Doppelganger technique." Iruka demonstrated to the 20+ kids scattered around him.

Instantly, 2 exact look-alikes of Iruka appeared around him. Tons of 'Oohs' and 'Aahs' appeared to the ear and basically everyone was amazed by Iruka.


"Why is everybody amazed by this? Isn't this for gifted students? I bet that even I could do this. I've already memorised how to!" Naruto muttered to Sasuke who wasn't paying attention to the lesson at all.

No, he was more interested in the birds fluttering around the trees outside the building. His attention was drawn to a certain black bird. It almost felt... like the bird was talking to him... Telling him something.

"Be ready for the sage. He will greet you in time. When this happens, your world will shape to be something different than what you expected."

He snickered at the naruto's whisper though.

However, this was heard by the brunette, Iruka, teaching the class.

"Sasuke Uchiha, would you like to show us how this is done then?" Though the tone in his voice said otherwise.

"Sure." Sasuke replied nonchalantly as he walked up to the podium and copied the jutsu exactly as Iruka had done it.

Iruka immediately halted his thoughts and stared at the boy.

He hadn't had any practice on this and he had already become Genin material.

"Ok then. Do a Fireball technique." Iruka said confidently.


"Where do you think?" Iruka exclaimed.

"On you???" Sasuke just said the first thing that came to mind.

"ON ME." Iruka exclaimed. He knew that the boy wouldn't be able to use the jutsu or even figure out what it was. He knew the boy would be humiliated.

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