How It All Started

Start from the beginning

"How did you find-"

"Do you want some fish?" Repeated Sasuke.


"DO YOU WANT SOME FISH?" Repeated Sasuke once more, as if he wasn't going to answer any of Naruto's questions until he had a bite of the fish that he was holding to him.

Reluctantly, Naruto took the fish out of the young boy's hands.

"How did you find me?" He asked once more, then gnawed on the piece of fish.

"I saw you through my bedroom window. You were half-dead by the time I got to you. So I went to help you. Truth be told, I also got beaten up by them. They told me I was just like the rest of my clan, a traitor to the village by protecting the nine-tailed fox 'brat' ."

"So you know who I am? Why aren't you scared of me then?"

"Well...Are you scared of me?"

"No, why would I be?"


"But I still don't get it. Why would you risk your life...for me?"

"Because we both know how it feels to be alone." 

"Hm. I guess you could say that. Would you be my friend if you had the chance?" Naruto said with uncertainty.

"Do you count this as a chance?"

"Sure!" Naruto Chuckled.

Sasuke shot a toothy grin at Naruto and Naruto shot one back.

"Is this normally how long it takes to make friends with people?" The Sasuke asked.

"Depends. I've never had friends before."

"What should I call you, Naruto?"

"What's wrong with Naruto?" The blonde questioned.

"It feels generic."

"Ummmmm.....Hm, I think To would work well for m- Wait, did you just call my name generic?"

"Um...Possibly." Sasuke added as a snide remark. Naruto let that slide as he let out a sigh.

 What should I call you, Sasuke?"

"Call me....Ke."

"Ke, huh? Well, I guess it sounds okay to you. Actually.... I have one more question I want to ask you." Naruto said in a discerning tone.

"What's that?"

"Why were you in the orphanage? How long have you been there for?"

"I've probably been there for about 4 years."

Naruto's eyes opened with excitement as it had been so long since he had known somebody that he could remember that would be his friend. He opened his mouth to say something filled with pride but then closed it immediately as he could pick up from Sasuke's tone when he spoke that he wasn't really in the mood to share his childhood with someone like Naruto.

Then, Naruto had a sensation.

A tingling sensation.

Naruto looked over to see if Sasuke had this sensation as well but all he saw was images of somebody's childhood.

Sasuke's childhood.

Naruto saw Sasuke's worst nightmare; the day his brother slaughtered the whole Uchiha clan. He thought of what Sasuke had gone through. Sasuke had had a much worse childhood than Naruto. Or so Naruto thought.

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