"Listen to these songs. They will help you unwind", he said, making her wear the headphones. He quickly opened the side drawer and took out a few candies. He gave her those to distract her.

After about 14 hours of a long, tiring flight, they reached Hawaii. The moment the flight landed, Ray immediately got out of a seat and ran down the stairs, away from the flight.

"Ray, wait for me", said Travis, as he ran after her.

The bodyguards picked up their luggage. Their cars had already arrived. They reached the villa that they had hired for their stay. The caretaker guided them to the room, which was exclusively modified for both of them. Ray jumped on the bed and lay down rapidly as soon as they entered the room.

"Ray, don't sleep now. We have a lot to explore."

"Travis, I'm very tired and sleepy. Can we start exploring from tomorrow?", she asked in a sleepy voice to which Travis chuckled.

"I know that you were not able to sleep on the flight despite my biggest efforts", said Travis with a smile.

"I am afraid of flights, what if I sleep and we crash? So, I don't take any chances", said Ray innocently.

"Will the plane not crash if you are awake?", asked Travis mockingly.

"Yes, it can but you know, when you fear something, it is hard to sleep because you need to be relaxed for sleeping. Anyways, the flight successfully landed, I'm alive and now I can sleep comfortably", said Ray and curled up like a ball and started sleeping.

"This girl, what do I do", muttered Travis as he smacked his forehead dramatically and went to the restroom to freshen up.

After 6 hours of sleep, Ray finally woke up just to find that night had fallen. She stretched her arms and yawned while getting out of bed. Not finding Travis in the room, she walked out of the room to find him. Going downstairs, she heard some angry voices, and it sounded like there were a lot of people down there. She frowned, not understanding what was happening. As she took another step and another step, the voices got louder and angrier.

She was scared but curious at the same time, to find out what was happening. When she reached down, She tiptoed to the room from where the noises were coming. She crouched down, not wanting to be seen or more precisely, not to be caught. People inside the room sounded rageful. The voices were getting raised and heated every minute. Unexpectedly, she felt that one of the voices sounded very familiar. She hid behind the curtain quietly and peeped inside the room.

Inside the room were a whole bunch of men in black suits, giving a highly negative aura to the bright villa. It was Travis who was shouting with anger. And he had a gun in his hand. Ray frightened. She covered her mouth while gasping.

'Travis, what are you doing? Please don't do this', she prayed internally.


Ray covered her ears and shut her eyes tightly. She managed to stay hidden.

Travis had shot the man in front of him. His blood splashed on the white wall, and he died on the spot. Ray instantly ran out of there, not being able to hold her emotions. Her legs felt weak and she wanted to scream so bad. But she didn't, because she didn't want to end up like that man at all. She went to the room and locked herself in the restroom. She started crying while placing her palm on her mouth, preventing the sobs and screams from coming out of her mouth. She was scared as hell.

'Travis, why did you kill him like that? Will you do that to me if you get angry', the thoughts roamed around her scared mind.

And the terror increased when she heard loud footsteps coming towards the room. Her eyes widened and she started hyperventilating.

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