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The next morning, Ray woke up and stretched her arms. She looked around the room and found Travis combing his hair while standing in front of his dresser.

"Good morning Ray, how was your sleep?", asked Travis with a small smile, looking at her reflection in the mirror.

"Morning Travis, I slept well", she greeted him back in a sleepy voice.

"That's good to know. I wanted to tell you that we have our wedding reception tonight here in the mansion. The beautician and hairdresser will be here by 6 pm. And the best designer attires have already arrived. After eating breakfast, come with me so that we can finalize a pair from those."

"Okay. Just give me a few minutes to freshen up."

"I'll be downstairs then. Come downstairs for breakfast once you are done."

After she was done with her morning routine, she walked downstairs to the dining room to have her breakfast with Travis.

"Oh, you're here? What would you like to have? We've got scrambled eggs, toast, orange juice, peanut butter, some salad, cereal, and waffles", said Travis, as he pointed out all the dishes set on the table.

"Woah! Isn't this a lot? How will we finish eating all this", Ray asked worriedly.

Travis chuckled. "This is your first breakfast here and I did not know what you like to eat. So, I got everything prepared. Don't worry, the food will not be wasted. All the untouched remaining food will be distributed among the servants of the house."

A light blush crept onto raised cheeks when she realised that Travis prepared such a royal breakfast keeping in mind that it was her first breakfast in their house. She sat down and started eating some waffles.

"You're eating very little, Ray. Eat some more. Here, try this toast. I have put peanut butter on it", Travis said as he passed her the toast.

"Thank you", she said with a soft smile.

After having an exquisite breakfast, the couple moved to the front hall where the most lavish designs were hung. These designs were specifically designed the top designers from all over the world.

"There are so many of these", Ray said, as her jaw dropped.

Travis cackled lightly at her naive remarks.

They looked through all the sets one by one, mesmerized by all the colors.

'All of these are so rich and pretty that it is very difficult to select one from all these', thought Ray confusedly.

Meanwhile, Travis had his eyes caught on one. It was a beautiful deep maroon gown and a velvet suit. He looked at some other options but that color had taken his heart. He looked at her, who was standing holding three gowns together against her body, looking at her reflection in the mirror to see if the color suited her.

"Ray, this maroon one looks flawless. What do you think about it", he asked her.

"It is really cute but I am baffled. All these designs are so pretty", Ray said, looking at the gowns she selected.

"Ray, can we both wear this one for tonight, please?", Travis requested her again.

Being a sweetheart, she immediately said yes.

"We can if you like it so much", she said with a smile that gave Travis butterflies.

He had accepted the fact by then that he had started falling for his angelic wife.

"Thank you, sweetheart. I am sure that this color will look ravishing on you."

It was evening now, and Ray was being dolled up by the hairdressers and the beauticians for their wedding reception.

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