Bloody Love - 9

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As they were skateboarding down the sidewalk to the school, Chase checked his phone for the time then looked over at Minx who was giggling as she was skating. "We have 30 more minutes, if we want to be on time." He told her. "Don't worry, we'll make it, It's right around the corner up the street. We'll be on time." She sad picking up her speed a bit. "You sure.?" He asked putting his phone back in his back pocket. "I'm pretty sure..." She said laughing watching Chase also pick up his speed. "Heheh, looking for a race?" Minx said looking up at him. "only, if you are." He responded chuckling. "You're on Chase." Minx said going faster than she was at the very last moment.

"Haha, Alright!" He said catching up to her keeping his eyes on the sidewalk. Minx looked back at him catching up , then looked at the front of where she was going. There was an open sewer in the middle of the sidewalk and she was planning to jump over it. "You sure you going to jump over that, Minx?" Chase yelled from behind her. "Yeah! i dunno..." She responded studying the open sewer. Once she got to the sewer she panicked slightly jumping over it early flying through the air on her skateboard landing on the ground.

"Yes! I made it!" She yelled hearing him also jump over it with no problem. "Good Job!" Chase said from behind her. "But, i'm still going to pass you!" He said passing her with Terrific speed. "Wh- Hey!" She said looking up at the school that was right around the corner. "I'm going to beat you." He said smiling. "Don't be too sure." She told him grinning riding faster than he was riding up the staircases' rail and into the parking lot. "Bwaha. ~" She said riding up to the Entrance and stopped hopping off of the skateboard.

"I win." She told him sticking her tongue out playfully as he rode to the entrance. "Yeah, Yeah, but that's only because i let you win." He told her hopping off of the skateboard. "No, No, You didn't chase." "Yes, I did Minx." He said smiling. "Okay, Chase." She said giggling opening the door. "I'll be in room B146 when you get done." She said watching him go to the office. "Alright, I'll be right there in a minute." He told her watching her walk away. He walked into the office asking for a visitors' pass and smiled when they started to write his name on one. "Thanks." He said putting the visitors' pass on his shirt.

He walked out of the office and into the hall. "Hm... B146.." He said quietly looking down the halls for the room. Once he reached the classroom, he knocked on the door watching the teacher appear at the door. "May I help you... Mr..." The teacher asked looking at his visitors' pass. "Chase, my name is Chase." He told the teacher. "Ah, Mr.Chase, How may i help you?" He asked once again. "I'm visiting for Minx." He told him simply. "Ah Minx, Okay. Come on in." He said motioning him inside. "Minx, you have a visitor." He told her.

Minx looked up smiling motioning Chase to come over to her. "You can sit next to Minx in that empty desk." The teacher told him sitting back in his chair that was behind his desk. "Alright, Thanks." Chase said to him as he sat down next to her in the empty desk. "What're you guys doing in here?" He whispered to her. "We're writing summaries about the type(s) of music that we like and listen to." She whispered back showing him her paragraph. "Wow, you have beautiful handwriting." Chase said reading her paragraph.

"Why, Thank you." Minx said taking the paper back to continue writing. "So, you want me to stay all day with you, Correct?" He whispered to her. "Yes, Of Course. I'd feel uneasy without you here with me." She whispered back. "Gaah... you guuys, you're so boringgg..." A familiar voice said. "Oh.. Don't tell me-" "Yep.... it's him." Chase told her looking behind himself to see Jeff who was laying down on the table that was at the back of the classroom with his machetes in his hands. "You Guys... You're sooo boringgg..." He said once again sitting up on the table looking at them both. "Time to make this more fun!" He said chuckling as he walked to the teacher going around back slitting his throat with one of the machete's watching the rest of the students stare at what was taking place at the moment.

"What is he.... doing?" Chase said watching him regretfully. Watching the students get up and start screaming, Jeff laughed and locked the doors and windows from where he stood. "AHAHAHAHAHA! Music to my ears!" He said listening to then scream and panic. "Jeff!" Minx screamed. "Whose doing this?!" One student said. "We're locked in!" Another said. "Call 911!" Someone else said. "Hm..." Jeff said quietly cutting the classrooms signal. "No Signal!" Someone else said.

He then laughed crazily looking around at the students. "Hm..... Who to kill first..." He said thoughtfully landing his eyes on Chase. "You. You've gotten on my nerves already. You're always there!" He said angrily as he appeared behind Chase putting him in a headlock then loosened putting a machete up to his neck. "Jeff. Let him go! What're you doing?!" "Killing him." He told her simply. "Now, you won't have anyone to protect you..." Chase grunted in pain looking at the sharp point that was against his neck. "Or would you like to take his place..?" Jeff asked Minx Chuckling.

Jeff The Kiler; Bloody LoveWhere stories live. Discover now